Chapter Three

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The bell rang and we walked out of class together. "So. Why didn't you tell me? Is this why you never let me go to your house?"asked Micheal. I sighed again. I had a feeling that I would be sighing and groaning more often. "I didn't want to tell anyone because some people try to use me," I whispered. "Do you think that I would be like them?!"he said angrily. "No but I had to wait to trust you more. You know that a few noble men were accused and stripped of their titles because they were backstabbed and framed by friends." He looked at me in a calculating manner, like he thought I was lying. "Oh my god fine.... I'll buy you lunch for three weeks if you just drop the subject,"I said reluctantly.
He smirked. "Deal." And then he walked away.
                                                              *****AFTER THEY GOT HOME*****
We got home and my mother was waiting in the 4th floor living room with a broad smile. "Good news guys! You're getting dorms!"she said excitedly. I internally groaned again. "Mommmm" I whined. "Why?!" I was confused and annoyed and angry and hungry at the same time. My dad walked in and saved my brother and I. I turned to face Elijah and he looked pained. "Mom we need to talk. About the 'favor' you wanted" he said carefully. She snapped and the teleported away. My dad lead me to a new room. "Welcome to the new pantry,"he said. My jaw dropped so fast, for a moment I thought it would he the floor. In the pantry was shelf's of everything you could want to eat. But there was a strange door. Surrounded by an eerie light. It's was eerie, yet enchanting and... mesmerizing. I started walking to it.
"CHLOÈ,  CAN U HEAR ME." I heard chanting. "Ᏸꭵꮄꮗᏸꮼꮆꮆꮼꮒꮼꮥꭴꮑꮑꮰꮒꮙꭹꮙꭶꮶꮗꭾꮶꮇꮶꮭꮧꮶꮰꮄᏸᏸꮙꮑꮑꮰ.."
I suddenly snapped awake.
I gasped for air.
I turned and saw my fathers panic stricken face. He looked genuinely concerned and asked what happened. He said I blacked out for a second. But I couldn't process it. Then....I said the words I never wanted to. "I-I think... Elijahs in danger."

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