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Two years and 68 days after the first wave.

9th of june, 7:34 pm, location: Berlin, Germany.

Log 54 of Canada, (Matthew Williams).

*"It as been 86 days since we were confined to bunkers and their stale food. It has been at least 4 days since we've been in Germany. The next wave is suppose to emerge soon and I'm growing more and more anxious about the repercussion of it. Five more countries froze today. Now the only hope for humanity remains in my American brother, England, france, the two Italian and German brothers, and the 7 Nordic countries including me, Canada...*

*I won't lie about the moral being crushed and sour... Sometimes, someone would crack a joke or two to try and appease the mood but, let's just say there's not much to laugh about these days. England and papa France are already showing signs of hypothermia and frostbitten marks are all over their body. I say they have at least five days until they completely freeze. That means they're out of order now... *

*America has started to show signs as well. That concerns me greatly... I just hope we'll get over this frozen apocalypse before he does go down. I-... I wouldn't know what to do without him...-- But I'm straying from the point.*

*The Nordics are... Fine? I never really bother asking how they are. They always sticks together and stay locked up in their rooms. I simply wish them a good day or a goodnight whenerver I can. We never paired up on missions and I think it's probably why I see them so rarely. I just hope I'll get to talk to them more often!*

*The same case happen with the Italian brothers and Germany. Prussia on the other hand, seem to be very... Interested in me...? Don't get me wrong, I dont dislike him he's a nice guy and all but he's a bit too much to put up with all day long. I won't even try to Imagine all the time... But, we hang out less nowadays... I can't lie that I don't miss our little shared laughs and small talks. I think that the main fault of our drifting would be my new partner...*

*You see, he's one of a kind to say the least. You know, I don't blame prussia for behing scared of him. He's tall, big, intimidating and very scary at times. And... The only nation with who possesses such "qualities" would be the motherland himself... Russia...!*

*Apparently, we were paired because of our similar climate and stamina. I still don't get it since he's so much stronger than I am but I will admit that I have better strategies and understanding of my surroundings. All that I can say about him that is not physical is his bossy attitude and his awful habit of scaring the absolute hell out of me--*


*--pardon my language...*

*Anyways... And then, there's my brother stepping into everything that I do. This translate into the fact that he sees Russia with me, freak out and start an insult war and sometimes even physical fight with my russian partner! Gotta love him for that you know... People arguing or fighting isn't my cup of tea, but sometimes those two can prove to be quite entertaining--"*



*"A-A-Alfred! I w-was in the m-middle of something--!"*

*"--It doesn't matter anymore BECAUSE--! I found this awesome movie on the way back here!"*

*"A-Alfred... For the last time, p-please don't interrupt my sessions--"*

*"--It's about hockey~"*


End of log 54

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