"That doesn't give you the right to listen to our conversation!" She gave a half-hearted glare.

Ranka scowled. "Well I'm glad I did. What's this about that stupid idiot making you kiss a girl?! Just wait until I get my hands on him!" ******

Haruhi rolled her eyes.

"Uh, Fujioka-san...?" Kyo said.

Ranka stopped his plan to destroy Tamaki and blinked at Kyo. "Oh, dear, no need to to call me by my last name. Ranka's fine. Now, what is you need?"

"How do you know if you like someone?" She asked hesitantly.

Ranka sat down with them and leaned towards Kyo, his face serious. "Do you keep thinking about him?"


"Do you get butterflies in your stomach?"

"...I thought I was just getting hungry..."

"Do you get jealous when other girls are around him?"

"What?...Uh, I mean, it gets annoying-"

"Do you enjoy being around him?"

"I guess."

"Finally, did you like the kiss?"

Kyo's face was heavily blushing. "I-I...yes."

He nodded sagely, "All the signs are there."

Kyo placed her head on the table. "What do I do now? Does he even like me?"

"Of course he does! I've met Honey, and he's a sweet boy. He wouldn't kiss you without meaning it."

Haruhi nodded. "I have to agree with Dad on this. He wouldn't play around with like that. He may act like a child, but he's still eighteen."

"How am I suppose to act?" Kyo asked exasperated.

"Do what you think is right. Although if you don't want to be anything more than friends, say it gently. Saying it harshly and outright will break his heart." Ranka told her.


Kyo lasted the whole day, not seeing Honey anywhere. She was relieved not to face him yet, but there was still a small part inside of her that was disappointed.

She debated about going to the club today or not. Scowling, she made up her mind. She wasn't a coward! She'll go!...But once the club actually began.


Opening the doors, Kyo silently went through them, hoping to go unnoticed.

"Would you like to choose a host, Miss Sohma?" Kyo froze in her spot. Slowly, she turned to see the Ice King staring at her with his fake smile.

"Yeah, I want to choose Haruhi."

"I'm afraid his schedule is packed."

Kyo's eyebrow twitched. "Then I'll wait."

"He won't be available until tomorrow."

"...Then I'll choose you."

"Unfortunately, I'm unavailable as well." He said, not sounding sorry at all. "However, Honey and Mori are free for you to join."

Kyo gave a sigh through her nose. "Okay, Honey and Mori it is."

She walked over to the table, trying to breathe normally. Her stomach like it was going to explode from so many butterflies in there.

Honey looked up from biting his cake and saw her. His eyes flashed with an emotion she couldn't place. Smiling he waved at her.

"Hi Kyo-chan!"

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