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"Can't believe I've got you sitting on the other side of the table from me now, Georgie. Absolutely ridiculous, it is."

Elizabeth raises her eyebrows at Fred from where she sits next to George, sipping her mug of tea.

"People are going to start working out which one of us is which!"

"If you want him back, Fred, you're more than welcome to have him."

Fred juts his chin out, fork messing with his mashed potatoes, "Don't want him now." George simply chuckles next to Elizabeth.

"It's not like I've left you, mate," he laughs, "I'm still here, I'm not dead. It's always been me, you and El, yeah?" He kisses Elizabeth's cheek. She lets him but her gaze remains on her tea. "Hey," he rests a hand on her knee, "You alright?"

She bites her lip. "Something weird's going on, I need your guys' opinion on it."

Fred leans in over the table, "You okay, Beth?"

"I'm getting letters," she sighs, fingers fiddling with the string of the tea bag. "They started the day of the Quidditch World Cup and I've had a few more since."

"From who?"

"There's no sign-off, no return address. But they're, like... warning me. They told me not to go to the quidditch and then there was the attack." She pulls some folded letters out of her robe pocket, minus the couple she's binned. "And- and you've seen that dog in the grounds, right? I'm convinced it's following me, it's always there." She puts them down on the table. The twins have a look through them, their brows furrowing.

"'You can look like that with a little practice'?" George asks. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Elizabeth inhales sharply, "Uh, I'm not sure. But it's odd, right? We all said that there was something off at school this year and, whoever is writing to me, they know it too."

"Well, I think the dog thing might just be a coincidence, Beth."

"Yeah, I told you it probably came in from the woods."

"But those letters are definitely weird."


She shakes her head, "They- they know a lot about me and Mum. It's just... it's really creeping me out."

"Hey," George takes her hand away from her mug, clasping it in both of his, "Everything's going to be fine, okay?"

"Maybe just ignore the letters for now, Beth. It's probably just someone messing with you."

She raises an eyebrow at Fred, "With everything that goes on at this school, do you seriously think that?"

He smiles sadly, "I just don't want you to stress yourself out."

She nods, sighs, "Yeah, you're right. Sorry."

She can feel both pairs of eyes on her for a few moments. Fred stands, "Pass me your mug, I'll take it back." He carries it away with his dishes.

"I don't get it," George shakes his head, hands still holding one of hers, "What is it that they know? Is it really bad?"

Elizabeth wets her lips with her tongue, eyes leaving George's to look at their joined hands, "Just... about my mum and the war. She doesn't tend to tell everyone."

She can still feel his eyes on her. He isn't convinced.

₍ ♡ ₎

Elizabeth sits with Cedric later that afternoon, in her favourite spot in the pumpkin patch. They have a little time before dinner and, with everything that's going on at the minute, they can do with some time to just sit.

"Are you nervous?" she asks him quietly, eyes trained forwards on the woods at the bottom of the patch.

"A little." She turns to look at him. He smiles, "Wasn't at first. It's looking a little more... deadly, now."

"You'll be okay," she nods, partially trying to convince herself too. "You're talented." He scoffs. "You are. In fact, George actually called you a legend."



"For Weasley to compliment me-"


They fall back into a comfortable silence. The grass is slightly wet - it was raining earlier - but Elizabeth isn't too bothered when this is the most peace and quiet she's had in the last couple weeks.

It's Cedric who speaks again, "Thank you."

Elizabeth cocks her head, looking at him again, "What for?"

He shrugs, "You've just... you've really been there for me this year. I appreciate it."

Elizabeth can't help the warmth in her chest. It's not as if she and Cedric are best friends - they only met when their classes joined last year and they've gotten to spend a lot more time together because of it. But he's such a lovely guy and he's been so supportive of her with everything that's happened this year, despite him being preoccupied with the tournament.

"I don't know, my friends just want me to win - I can't tell them I'm scared. You... get it. So, thanks."

Elizabeth smiles, "Of course."

Her smile fades though when movement in the trees catches her eye. The black dog is back: standing at the entrance to the woods and just watching her.

She sits up straighter, squinting at it. "Have you seen this thing everywhere, too?"

"Uh, only a couple of times." Cedric gestures towards the trees. "It came from the Forbidden Forest, it probably lives in there."

Elizabeth shakes her head, "I'm starting to think Dumbledore's keeping tabs on us, like some sort of Hogwarts surveillance."

Cedric chuckles but she's not laughing. She stands, jogging down the hill towards the dog and she hears Cedric move behind her, calling her name. She doesn't stop.

She stops several feet from the creature, watching as its eyes just stare into hers. "Shoo!" she half shouts, waving her arms. "Go away!"


"Leave me alone!" she ignores Cedric's shouts, eyes wide and breath coming out in quick gasps. "What do you want with me?"

"Elizabeth!" Cedric catches her with a hand on her arm, turning her away from the dog and towards him. "It's just a dog, it's fine."

She stares at him, chest heaving. He keeps his hand on her arm, rubbing it slightly as concern fills his eyes.

"Look, dinner's nearly started. Let's go get some food in you."

Cedric doesn't understand. Something is seriously wrong.

wolf's tail  ₍ ♡ ₎  g. weasley [1]Where stories live. Discover now