"Nope, that's how it really is." A voice behind her made her jump backwards. She turned to see a girl in boy clothes.

"Why would anyone paint a school pink?"

The girl shrugged. "Don't ask me. You're new here right? I'm Haruhi Fujioka." She held out her hand.

Kyo glanced at her hand before shaking it. "Kyo Sohma."

"What brings you to Ouran?" Haruhi continued, motioning her to follow through the gates.

Kyo sighed and scowled. "The dumb head of my family decided I would transfer here."

"I'm guessing you don't like him?"

"Damn straight. Anyways, are you a transvestite? I get it if you are, I have a cousin that wears women's clothes..." She trailed off. Haruhi looked bewildered for a moment before shaking her head.

"No, I just have to act like a boy to pay off a debt." She reassured.

"Debt? I thought you rich kids just throw your money around?"

Haruhi laughed. "Yeah, but I'm not rich. I'm a 'commoner' as they put it. I came here on a scholarship."

Kyo nodded, understanding now.

Before any of the two could say anything more, loud squeals could be heard. The duo saw a crowd of girls surrounding the school gates, with hearts in their eyes, staring at Haruhi. Most of the girls glared at Kyo, recognizing her as a threat.

"...Is this normal for you?" Kyo sweatdropped.

"Sadly. I'm only popular because of the club I'm in."

"I should get going. Can you tell me where's 2-A?"

Haruhi gave her the directions then headed towards the fangirls.


In the hallways, Kyo walked trying to find the classroom.

"Hey you!" A voice yelled.

Kyo turned to see two girls standing in front of her. She raised an eyebrow.

"Just who do you think you are walking with Haruhi-kun?!" The blonde one demanded.

She tried walking around them, but they were stubborn.

"Answer us! You are not good enough for Haruhi-kun. Just look at what you wear! It's just hideous!" The other black haired girl snarled.

Kyo looked down. She was wearing her usual attire. A black t-shirt and gray cargo pants with high top converse, she didn't see anything wrong with that. She could just feel her temper rising.

"Oh yeah? At least I'm not wearing a puffy marshmallow. How would you know anything about fashion?" Kyo scoffed. "Go powder your little fake noses."

"Our faces are real!"

"Sure doesn't seem like it, wannabe barbies."

Both girls turned red with anger.

"The only thing here fake is your hair. No way is your hair that naturally orange!"

"Please, I'm all real. Now, get lost and before I make you need another face surgery." This time she was able to push the girls out of the way.

A few minutes later she found her classroom with a minute to spare.

"You must be the new student. Welcome to Ouran Academy." Kyo looked to see a woman in her late thirties.

"Hn." She was still pissed about the incident.

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