Reece was silent for a minute there which made me wonder what went down in George's room.

"Yeah, it went well. I came out to him." Reece murmured softly looking down at his hand.

Came out? Reece is?

I kept my calm because I didn't want him to freak out. I moved towards him and held his upper arm gently and asked "Reece, is there anytime you want to tell me mate?"

Reece got up and switched on the lights, I followed his actions and we both sat in silence for who knows how long before Reece broke the silence "I'm gay Blakey. I told this to George and I think you should know this as well."

I smiled, and moved my hand forward to hold his. He looked up at me while I said "It's okay. I'm bisexual Reece. Sexuality isn't a big deal, am I right? Why do we, who are a part of lgbt community always need to come out? But it is what it is, am I right?" 

Reece smiled and nodded.

"Don't ever be afraid Reece. We are here for you." I spoke softly still holding onto his soft hands.

Tears welled up in his eyes. He immediately moved forward and engulfed me in his embrace. I hugged him back tightly holding his thin waist in between my arms. We were so close, it felt really good right now in this moment. All those thoughts about Greece faded away.

Reece pulled back and smiled at me "Thanks Blakey, you're always so easy to talk to."

"Anytime Reecey, I'm here for you. Remember that yeah." I spoke calmly trying to hide my excitement on the compliment.

Was it even a compliment?

I'm really glad that I'm the one he can talk to so easily.

"Let's sleep yeah, it's pretty late." Reece slipped inside the covers while I turned the lights off.

Tonight, I felt Reece shuffle nearer to me and hug me while the spooned him. With him in my embrace, I forgot all the worries and slipped into oblivion.


George's POV

We were all having breakfast. I'm still kinda giddy and shocked after last night's events. Reece and I literally maked out. The taste of his lips are sealed in my mind. I can't ever forget it. And if it weren't for some stupid vase breaking, maybe we'd have gone further.

Wait, what am I even thinking? It's wrong.

But, maybe it's not as wrong as it seems. He came out to me after all and then we kissed. Maybe I have a chance with Reece after all. I just hope Anais leaves soon so that this drama comes to an end.

It was silent among us when Anais spoke up "So George, last night was good?"


What does she mean by that? Does she know that Reece and I? No no, how'd she know that?

I was going to speak but Reece interrupted me "What do you mean?"

It was prominent in his voice that he was just as scared as me.

"Oh, ya know, after you came out to us. Did you have a good night sleep?"

NHC Love Triangle {COMPLETED}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant