"Um Iman do you know this... thing?" Rachel sneered looking Nikki up and down like he was trash.

I can't do it, I can't say it.

"Nope." I said popping the p. I grabbed my drink off the table and sipped my cranberry juice refusing to look at Nikki.

He just stood there with wide eyes.

"Um she doesn't know you." Jade spoke up.

"Yeah now can you please leave our table. Were trying to eat." Mel sneered.

Nikki chuckled and shook his head. He put his hands on his hip and looked at me again. I could see him from the corner of my eyes glaring at me. I continued not to look at him.

"He probably wants money pass me my purse." Rachel motioned for her purse and Jade passed it to her. She pulled out $10 and placed it on the table in front of Nikki. "There you go if your smart you'll buy yourself better clothing. But we all know what you'll use my money on." She grins smugly.

Oh God!

Nikki's jaw clenched and his fist bawled up. He looked at me again and then started walking away.

"Ew as if Iman would ever get with a gutter rat like that guy. Ugh, he even smelt like one." Rachel laughed humorously.

Nikki stopped walking and stood there for a bit. I held my breath thinking he was going to turn around and start yelling. Thankfully, he continued walking and I exhaled in relief.

"That's the one who called me a bitch. He's the one that said he knew a prettier model than me." Jade says.

"I think that's the band that's causing all the noise in the hotel. What's there name again. Um...um-" Mel snapped her fingers trying to remember.

"Motley Crue!" Jade spoke up.

"Right yes Motley Crue." Mel said.

I wanted to get up and chase after Nikki, but I couldn't. I put my drink down and rubbed my face. Why did I do that? What on earth made me do something like that?

"Rock music is the Devils music it should be banned. And those trash bag rockers should be out of business." Rachel hissed.

I ended up excusing my self from the table so I could go find Nikki and talk to him. I wanted to stop by my room first. When I got to my floor, I saw Jess standing outside my door looking at it. I furrowed my brows and walked over to her.

"Is there-" I cut my self off when I read what was written on my door.


"That bastard!" I yelled.

"Oh, so you know who did this?" Jess raised her voice pointing at the door. "I'm calling the police." She marched passed me and entered her hotel room.

"Wait Jess!" I followed her in. "I don't know the guy that well. We met and I turned him down that's why he wrote that. I only met him one time." I pleaded.

"That's doesn't give anyone the right to do that to you." She picked up the phone and started dialing 911.

"Please Jess." I grabbed the phone panicking and holding on to it. "I don't what anyone to know that someone wrote that on my door. It's embarrassing." I cried out.

She sighed and put her hands on her hips. "Ok." She moved and sat down on her chair. "What happened to your room?" She asked with worry.

"I had the girls over to hang out and they invited some random people I don't know to come, and they thrashed the room."

Wow so I have become a liar.

"Iman there was coke in your room. That is not just a hang out. I am worried about you. You're not focused on what your doing." She stood up again and walked towards me. "Many girls would kill to be where you are, making all this money, travelling the world, working with the most exclusive fashion designers, and acting in TV shows and movies. Now here you are distracted and me having to hear that my models' room was completely trashed with coke bags all over the place." She frowned and crossed her arms over her chest.

"I'm sorry." I whispered

"Its ok, but you need to get your self together. You are a young girl and your career is going so well. Don't throw it away." She rubbed my arm.

I nodded my head and handed her the phone back. "Do you want to stay in here tonight?" Jess asked. "Yeah just let me get some things from my room."

I walked into the hallway and stared at my door. I cannot believe Nikki was being so petty. Yeah, I know I pretended like I did not know him, but other people in my position would have done the same. I walked into my room to grab a cloth with hot water. I came back out and started scrubbing my door. It was nail polish. At least it was coming off. An idea then came into my head. All I need is permanent marker and I am good. I went back into my room and threw the cloth back in. I came back out and ran to the staircase to go downstairs.

"Hi um would you happen to have a permanent marker by any chance?" I asked the hotel clerk.

"Um...." she looked into her desk and pulled out the marker. "Here you go." She handed it to me. "Thanks." I took the marker and headed upstairs.

I walked to Nikki's door and started writing on it. He vandalized mine so I will vandalize his.


"Iman!" I tensed up when I heard a voice call me. I looked over and saw Jade standing by the elevator.

"Hey girl." I smiled hesitantly.

"What are you doing?" She raises her eyebrows in confusion.

"N... nothing." I stutter.

She crosses her arms over her chest. "Um...do you have any pads by any chance?" I quickly changed the subject to stop her suspicion on what I just did.

"Yeah come to my room."

We walk over to her room and I ended up spending about an hour in her room. We talked about the show, about hanging out after the show is done, and her family life. I really liked Jade she was very humble. I left her room saying goodbye and smiling to my self. My smile soon faded when I saw Nikki standing looking at his door in the hallway. He turned in my direction, he looked very angry. Like 1985 angry when I danced with Jon Bon Jovi. I let out a deep breath then walked down the hallway with my head held high like I was walking the runway. I kept my eyes straight and walked past him.

"So, your going to pretend like you still don't know me, right?" He spat following me to my door.

I kept walking not saying a word to him. I got to my door and turned the doorknob to go in my room. He grabbed the doorknob and slammed my door shut and blocked me from going in.

"I guess I'm just a junkie loser gutter rat to you aren't I." He asked. "Aren't I!" He raised his voice and I flinched. I folded my arms on my chest and looked away from him. "I thought you were different than all those skinny stuck up models down there." He points his finger in my face. "But you're just a fucking bitch just like the rest of them!" He shouted. He shoulders checked me and walked past me to his door. He paused before entering his room to flip me off then slammed the door shut.

I put my hands on my face and let out a shaky breath of air. My body was trembling with fear. I felt ashamed about what I did because he did not deserve that. But at the same time these are classy girls that I was rolling with. I cannot have people talking about me with Nikki and letting it get in the news like before. And I certainly did not want Tamara finding out that Nikki was here. It would cause a lot of problems.

I had to deny knowing him I did not have a choice.

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