OS- Bubby x reader

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(n/n - nickname)
April Fools day. Everyone in Black Mesa's least favorite holiday. Well everyone except one person, a certain security guard by the name of Benrey. This holiday was a huge excuse for Benrey to make everyone in the facility's day a living nightmare. You and Bubby arrived to the lab together. Bubby was paranoid since you wouldn't be with him for the day. Despite working in the same department, you both had very different schedules. He wouldn't see you until lunch. Who knows what Benrey would do in that amount of time. You noticed Bubby's worried state and put a hand on his cheek, making him look at you.
"Don't worry, love. Today will be fine. Don't let that gremlin get to you." You reassured him. Bubby sighed.
"You're right. Thanks." He smiled. You leaned in and kissed your worried boyfriend before walking off.
"I'll see you at lunch!" You called out to Bubby from down the hall.
"Same to you!" He responded before reluctantly walking to his office. He stopped at the door, his hand gripping the doorknob but not turning it.
'Please don't be bad.' Bubby thought to himself, his mind debating what Benrey could have done. He slowly opened the door and peered into his office. His eyes were immediately bombarded by an array of pastel  blues and pinks. He let out a sigh of relief and stepped into his room.
"Okay. This isn't so bad." Bubby said to himself. He kicked one of the pink balloons out of his way, causing it to pop. When the balloon popped, it let out large amount of pink and grey confetti. Bubby stared at the confetti in disgust.
'It's gonna take years to get all the confetti out of this room.' He thought. He walked over to his computer, trying his best to not pop any more of the balloons. That's when he heard the sound of a vent opening and saw a small, round item get dropped into the room. He couldn't see what the item was, but knowing Benrey, he was quick to use his desk for cover. Bubby's assumption was correct when he heard a loud explosion followed by multiple popping sounds. When everything calmed down, Bubby glanced over his desk to see his room a mess, burning confetti scattering the floor. Bubby stood up and tried to calm his ringing ears. He then glared up at the still open vent and mentally cursed out Benrey.
So far you were untouched by Benrey's antics, but you knew that wouldn't last forever. At the moment you were carrying s large stack of papers. You marched up to the elevator and pressed the button, nearly dropping the papers in the process. You were able to save the paperwork and waited patiently for the elevator. Minutes went by and nothing happened. You groaned and realized the elevator wasn't coming. You made your way towards the stairway in defeat. Knowing Benrey, he had something set up. You cautiously shuffled towards the stairs, moving the papers a bit so you could see in front of you. The stairs looked normal except for the obvious trip wire before the first step. You snickered and examined the trap.
"Is this really the best he could do?" You asked to no one. You gently stepped over the wire and softly placed your foot onto the step. You were in the process of lifting your other foot over the wire when you realized why the trap was so obvious. The shoes Black Mesa forced the scientists to wear had little to no grip, which didn't help when you noticed your foot sliding in place. Before you could react, your foot slipped of the step, sending you flying down the stairs. The paperwork in your hands flew through the air and softly floated to the ground. You tumbled down the long flight of stairs and hit the end with a loud thud, landing on your back. You slowly sat up, the room still spinning. You let your mind calm down and rubbed your back in pain. That's when you remembered your paper work and turned around to see the pages scattered across the stairway.
"Ugh. I should have saw that coming." You muttered to yourself. That's when you heard a familiar voice.
"Are you okay, Dr. l/n?" Tommy asked in a worried voice from the top of the stairs. You smiled and told him you were fine.
"Could you help me gather my paperwork?" You questioned. Tommy agreed and headed down to you. You wanted him beforehand of the trap, which he was able to avoid thanks to you.
The science team, including you, sat in the lunch room. The mood was overall sour. Coomer was trying to help Gordon, who was covered in paint and sported a bucket over his head. Tommy stared into the empty vending machines with a pout. Sunkist cuddled up next to Tommy in an attempt to cheer him up.
"I'm sick of Benrey and this stupid holiday." Gordon complained, trying get the bucket unstuck from his hair.
"Come now Gordon. It's just a silly prank." Coomer replied while scrubbing the paint from Gordon's clothes.
"I have to agree with Freeman on this. The pranks started off funny, but now they're just painful." You agreed as you examined your bruises. You got a good few bruises and back pain from how you landed. Not the worse outcome, but still bad. Someone stormed into the room, mumbling curses under their breath. You immediately recognized the person and stood up.
"Bubby!" You greeted, only to haunt when you saw his appearance. The man was covered in confetti and ash, his lab coat was missing, and his glasses appeared to be cracked.
"My god, what happened to you?" You ran over and examined your boyfriend. Bubby seemed shocked to see you, as if he didn't hear you approach. You awaited an answer only to receive a confused look.
"What happened to you?" You repeated in a louder tone.
"Oh! Sorry my ears are still ringing." Bubby apologized before explaining a simplified version of what happened. You helped Bubby to his seat and attempted to clean him up a bit.
"That sounds awful, love. I'm sorry you had to go through that."
"It's fine. I'm just glad you're hear." Bubby sighed and leaned against your chest. You smiled and wrapped your arms around him.
"Don't worry. We only have a few more hours to go. You can do this." You remind Bubby. Bubby half smiled before his expression turned into a concerned one.
"Wait. What about you?" Bubby asked, remembering his paranoia from this morning.
"Oh me? I'm perfectly fine." You lied. Tommy gave you a confused glance and was ready to speak up until you motioned for him to stay quiet. Bubby was already angered, you didn't want to give him another reason to be upset. Plus you had to care for him right now. Bubby let out a sigh of relief.
"At least you're okay, n/n." He smiled and let himself relax once more.
"I love you. Remember that." You said before giving Bubby a quick kiss. He let out a tired chuckle.
"I know. I love you too, n/n."
(I tried. I know the request said the science team, but I feel Benrey would be more of the prankster due to the car prank he pulled on Gordon.)

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