S- Touch Starved

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(Hope I did this request justice. There are a few aspects similar to the affection scenarios, but there are some changes since not all characters were originally touch starved. These are a bit short so sorry about that, especially if you wanted them in more of a story format.)


Him: Gordon is a little nervous at first to tell you about his needs, but he also isn't one to hide it entirely. It would just take him a while to tell you. If he's really touch starved, he will immediately seek you out for affection, ignoring his distain for pda in front of the others and for once ignoring Benrey's comments. When he's like this, Gordon tends to follow you like a love sick puppy, which the others find amusing and joke about it behind his back.

You: Gordon is a bit shocked by your touch starved nature, but quickly gets used to it and learns to appreciate your affection over time. Especially after the resonance cascade, he starts to open up more and welcomes every hug or kiss from you with open arms even if he's not in the best mood.


Him: It's not uncommon for Benrey to become touch starved although he never talks about it. At first he would try to ignore the feeling and continue with his day, but he isn't as patient as others and would quickly give in. Benrey would just straight up hug you out of nowhere and refuse to let go. If you catch on to what's happening and question him about it, he would deny every bit of it claiming that you "looked lonely" or something along those lines. Benrey is persistent and has a shockingly strong grip so don't expect to be leaving his side anytime soon.

You: If you happen to be a touch starved person, Benrey would definitely find it amusing and may even tease you about the fact. Not to say he hates it, in fact he adores the extra attention. He knows of your needs and makes sure to fill most of your free time with cuddles and quick kisses.


Him: Tommy isn't embarrassed when he's touch starved and would ask for a few cuddles the second you two get some free time. He always asks with a please and makes sure to thank you when you agree. Tommy is almost always close to you and tends to grab your hand out of nowhere, desperate to feel your touch and know that your safe beside him.

You: Tommy is more than happy to give or receive affection from you. He actively encourages you to go to him when you feel touch starved and hates to see you get upset when you hold in your emotions. Over time he's grown to know your habits and can easily read when your craving physical affection. When he picks up on this, he immediately drops everything to fix the problem through a few cuddles and smooches.


Him: Coomer is pretty open about wanting affection unless he sees you're in a bad mood. That's usually the only time he's nervous to ask. On the odd occasion Coomer doesn't seek you out, it's not to hard for you to pick up that something's wrong. Coomer may verbally deny anything being wrong but his body language proves that he's lying. He tenses up often and fidgets with his hands and sleeves of his lab coat. Despite this he still tries to stick close to you, not wanting to leave your side especially in times of need.

You: As mentioned before, Coomer is always open to affection and wouldn't mind you being touch starved form time to time. He's more than happy to oblige and always makes sure you feel loved.


Him: Bubby is the last person to admit when he wants affection from you. Being the stubborn man that he is, he would attempt to bury his emotions and ignore his needs for as long as possible. It's very unlikely he will notify you of what's going on so you might have to figure it out yourself. If you're willing to give your affection, he will immediately accept it no questions asked although he still won't admit that he deeply wanted/needed this. If you figure things out and try to bring it up to him, he would grow flustered but refuse to answer or just grumble under his breath after denying the fact.

You: At first, Bubby wouldn't know how to react to you being touch starved. He wasn't used to being shown affection through out his life and may be nervous to give it at first. Sooner or later, Bubby would warm up to the idea and would gladly give you a few kisses if you asked for any. It would take a while, but he would make attempts to open up more to you and even gets a confidence boost at how much you strive for his attention.


Him: Darnold is a bit shy when it comes to showing or receiving affection and would attempt to hide his wants out of fear that he might make you uncomfortable. Despite this, he would sooner or later gain the courage to ask you about it. After you say yes and assure him your willing to give him all the love in the world, his anxieties drift away and he becomes more confident with asking you for a little bit of attention.

You: Darnold would be similar to Bubby at first, not knowing how to react and a bit flustered at the discovery. He would slowly warm up to the idea and get used to your touchy nature. He would still hold strong on his policy of barely any pda, but would gladly show affection in private.


Him: Forzen wouldn't hesitate to ask for affection if he becomes touch starved. He isn't to ashamed of his wants and knows that you won't turn him down. He isn't the best with returning affection but still enjoys your touch. He makes sure you know how much he loves you through verbal means and always tries to thank you for putting up with him when he can.

You: Forzen doesn't mind you being touch starved but is afraid that he isn't giving you the best or most attention that he can give. He wants you to be happy and would go out of his way to make sure you stay that way.


Him: Gman can become really touch starved after a long day of work but might stay quiet due to not wanting to bother you. He likes to wait until you two are alone to admit his feelings to you, this alone time usually being when you two are about to head to sleep. Gman practically melts into your touch and appreciates every second since he knows his job may require him to leave for a long period of time.

You: Gman is another person that likes to please and wouldn't deny you physical affection if you ask for it. He quite likes the extra attention from you and loves to see you smile when you finally get your way. Every time he sees you, he always greets you with a kiss.

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