S- If You Were Real

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(these scenarios are separate from the others since the others usually run on the rules that the world is either real or that you're an ai. As the title implies, these are scenarios about how the others would react to learning that you're a real person playing the game, similar to Gordon. I've tried to turn this concept into oneshots, mostly with Coomer, but I've never been able to write it in a way that I found satisfying so I decided to just jot it down here.)


Gordon is more than ecstatic to find out that your real. That's because he's also a real person, just like in the original series. At first he's a little confused as to how you joined his server but he quickly pushes that aside. You and him would exchange contacts and start chatting in real life once you both finish the game. When Gordon decides to put the science team's ai into another game, like Payday 2, he makes sure to invite you along as well.


Benrey is a bit shocked since he thought Gordon was the only player, but that shock quickly turns into anger. He would feel betrayed that you didn't tell him sooner and consider himself stupid for not figuring it out. He starts to treat you just like Gordon, attempting to get on your nerves and force the both of you to quit the game. As time goes by, he'll slowly soften up and somewhat forgive you, but he still doesn't want you to reach the end of the game.


Tommy honestly has no idea what your talking about and has no clue that he's an ai. If you do explain it to him, he would be a little sad but overall fine. You don't think he fully understands the situation but that's fine. You and Gordon don't plan on giving up on the science team, especially after Coomer gifts you everyone's ai.


Coomer would practically shut down when he finds out. It was bad enough to know that everything he ever knew was fake, but now he figured out that you were lying to him the entire journey. You knew this was a video game, you knew it wasn't real, and yet you stuck around and made him think that there was something special between you two. He would absolutely heartbroken and envious of you and Gordon. It would take much longer for Coomer to forgive you than Benrey, but it would inevitably happen. This would most likely happen after you and Gordon find a way to put the science team's ai into Payday 2 so you could continue to hang out. It's at that moment that Coomer realized you did care about them in some way. He would be reluctant to re-enter a relationship with you, but he would still be close to you and help you out any way that he can.


Bubby always had a feeling that something was off about his world, but he never fully questioned it until now. It all seemed to make sense. He wouldn't be a distraught as Coomer or betrayed like Benrey, but also not as accepting as Tommy. He doesn't fully know how to react and grows to fear that you won't stick around once the game was over. Bubby learns to accept that this is just how things are and decides to cherish every moment since it might be his last with you. Most of those anxieties fade once he realizes that you and Gordon plan to implement him and the rest of the science team into other video games.


Darnold is another that can't fully process what you're on about. Unlike Tommy he eventually grows to understand, but he isn't to fazed by it. You don't plan on finishing the game any time soon and, unless Gordon closes the server, you will be here to stay. So he doesn't have as much to worry about. You sometimes ask if he's weirded out by the fact that you're a real person, but he really isn't. He actually finds it quite fascinating.


At first Forzen would react similarly to Benrey, feeling betrayed by the fact, although he wouldn't stay mad for as long. He realizes there isn't much he can do and you probably didn't want to confuse him by telling him everything around him was a lie. Sooner or later his anger would be replaced with curiosity as he asks you about his world and how you got to be in the army instead of with Gordon and the others. Similar to Bubby, he learns to cherish the moments you have together and finds it cool that he's an enemy in a video game. He might even ask for you to install certain mods or will just ask for cheat codes so he can mess with the others.


Gman already knew and it already hurt him that you two could never truly be together. He wouldn't seek out a romantic relationship with you but would remain close friends or allies, since he still retained feelings for you. He teaches you about console commands and cheat codes to help you get across certain obstacles. Also attempts to hide your secret from the others, unless you want them to know in which he will back off and let you do your thing.

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