Little news update on Myself

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Yes I will be continuing writing this
it's not discontinued, don't worry I love this story waaaay to much to discontinue it.

But hopefully soon I will update. But as of right now, I am sick, not sure in which way as of now. Crossing my fingers it's not COVID-19, because so far it kinda seems like it may be. But it will suck since I am a stay at home mom. I will say whatever it is, if I get checked soon. To be honest it would ironic since I write a quarantine story.

Like I'm fine.... -ish. I don't feel like I'm dying just god  the littlest breeze it's like standing in the snow in shorts even if I have a fever. I cannot be walking around to much or I get very lightheaded. And I have vomited.

It just feels like... a cold and flu mixture really, if I wanted to explain it any other way..

But anyone of you who does have covid, I hope you get better I love you guys. Those who don't. Keep up on keeping safe, use that hand sanitizer. 🥺✨

I will try to update soon just right now any bright light is like killer on my eyes. So it would be really hard to write right now. If I figure out anything I will let you know.

Family and friends. If you see this 😬.. I will be posting on Facebook once I figure out, but like... I don't need to be scaring nobody as of right now yet. So I'm not just going to be like "oh I might have Covid" but anyways I'm pretty calm and collected about it. I'll be fine. I'm super strong 💪🏻😤 and you guys know that. So remain calm for me.

Stuck in Quarantine With Him (BakugoXReader)Where stories live. Discover now