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nekoma had won their game which you secretly hoped they did but played it off saying you hope kuroo would lose. a few other people came to support nekoma. you had met akane, yamamoto's younger sister who was the cheer captain of nekoma junior high and lev's older sister, alisa haiba.

you had immediately recognized alisa as half european because...

half european thingz.

you introduced yourself as kuroo's girlfriend. akane had asked if you were y/n l/n, which, of course, you were the wonderful and beautiful and especially perfect y/n l/n. akane desperately wanted to know how you guys met since you used to live all the way across the globe. it wasn't very interesting.

"he went on a date with some other girl and he asked for her number," you began, holding your laughter, "sh-she gave him some random number and it was mine-"

"that's...not as interesting as i thought," the junior said.

"well, i said it wasn't interesting didn't i?"

"well yeah but-"

"how'd you guys meet in person?" alisa asked.

"well, i went to tokyo." you said, scratching your head, "i kind of just...told him i was coming and he said he'd show me around."

"oh really? why'd you go to japan?" alisa asked.

"did you want to meet up with him?" akane added.

you laughed at the thought, "no! i was visiting my mother's side of the family at the time."


"we aren't a really interesting couple," you sighed, "we just insult each other and fight but," you paused, "we do love each other a lot. i think."

"you think?" alisa raised a brow.

"how am i supposed to know how he feels?!"

"okay, true that." akane mumbled.

"can't you ask him?" alisa inquired.

"bu-but like! our relationship was kind of rushed you see-"

"when did you guys get together anyways?" akane asked, raising a brow.

"i was in japan for two weeks???" you began, "i hung out with my family for a week...and met up with kuroo on the third day of the second week...and..." you paused.

"did you get together then?"

"well. sort of."

"how did he ask?" akane asked.

you let out a laugh, "he tried a pickup line but i shot it back at him."


"we were talking about nicknames and he said he called me his future girlfriend, which i responded with, 'that's wrong.' he was confused and i said couldn't i just be your actual girlfriend."

"aw!" alisa squealed.

"smooth one y/n-senpai!" akane said with a grin.

"how long have you guys been together, by the way?"

"uhhhhh, shit. hold on." you mumbled. you crouched, using your fingers to count, trying to remember how much time has passed. you had first received those texts in march and you had gone to japan in late may and it was currently september so...three-ish months? "three to four months? i think?"

"are you just visiting n/n or did you move to japan since you have family here?" alisa asked, "you do, live in france right?"

"i did. i moved in with kuroo since my brother's kind of crazy." you said, rubbing the back of your neck, trying to simplify what happened.

"oh! that's so nice of him to let you move in!"

"i guess..."

the three of you got along well. you had no idea what akane was talking about when it came to volleyball. you didn't really understand any of it. you played tennis. not volleyball. though similar, they have their differences. the net was, much, much, much higher than the net in tennis and you had no idea how someone could  get the ball over the net.

the game had ended and nekoma had won against nohebi (ik we see alisa/akane first during fukudorani/nekoma but they probs went to games before then so idfk also this is isn't like an official match since idk if nohebi/nekoma had official matches and idk if they won lol).

you jumped up and down, sort of excited that nekoma had won. akane and the cheer team bursted into some sort of nekoma anthem and alisa was jumping along right beside you, waving her arms at the team.

now, the two of you had to go on a date but you sort of wanted to hang out with the team along with akane and alisa, so you didn't know what the plans were. that was kind of exciting, but also terrifying. kuroo was a bit unpredictable.

you hoped he wouldn't break the bed from jumping on it like a madman. you've seen it before and you'd rather not see it again.

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