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"guys! y/n's here!" kuroo shouted, linking his arm with yours.

"GUYS Y/NS HERE!" lev said, shaking yaku.

"yes, i can see that, lev." he replied, "please stop shaking me."


"wait, oh my god! y/n's so pretty!"

"hi, hi, it's me, y/n l/n," you said with a smile. you waved at the boys as you forced yourself off of kuroo. "let me see...you're yamamoto." you said, slapping your hand on the mohawked boy's shoulder. "that's kai." you said, pointing to the guy with the number '2' on his jersey. "kenma's on his game in the back over there...hm, inuoka is number seven...and uh..." you peered at the boys again, "shibayama is the other white jersey kid...is that fukunaga in the back?"

"wow, y/n. that's pretty impressive." kuroo said, using your head as an arm rest.

"yes. i am pretty amazing." you grinned, "did i get it correct?"

"WOAHHHHH Y/N'S SO SMART!!!" lev shouted, jumping up and down, though it looked like he was flailing his long ass arms around instead.

"where's my favorite boy?"

"i'm right here y/n." kuroo said, poking your shoulder.

"you're my least favorite."

"excuse me?!"

"everyone else is my favorite."


"SUCK IT KUROO!" yamamoto shouted.

"this is bullying."

"you know i love you," you hummed into his ear.

"i know, i know."

"when is your game?" you asked.

"about an hour." yaku said.

"...yaku..." you said, glancing at him.

"yes y/n?"

"are you thinking what i'm thinking?"



sliding into your dms ༄ t. kurooWhere stories live. Discover now