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     "Laurence is sick today?" Candy asks as she taps the ground lightly with her shoes

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     "Laurence is sick today?" Candy asks as she taps the ground lightly with her shoes. Drawing bees and butterflies on her notebook then leaving a trail of dotted lines behind them. It was the next day after the sleep over she had with Erika. Her stomach felt empty but she made the choice to not eat breakfast nor lunch that day and regretted her actions very much.

"Yep, he caught a cold and is staying home. Where's Erika?" In Kei's hands is a new novel he found on the shelves. He has reread the same sentence for the past five minutes and wasn't making any progress leading up to the second chapter. The two students were sitting in the library together, Candy trying to get started on some homework while he was keeping her company.

"She had some student council duties to work on. Being a member must be annoying, huh? All that work trying to make everyone happy. I'd feel exhausted."

"I guess," Kei had gotten more comfortable talking with Candy and dealing with her little antics. He even started speaking up when she asks him questions instead of just moving his head around in response. "There must be a few perks to it, though. Or else they wouldn't have joined in the first place. I wouldn't really know, I've never been apart of the student council before."

"Yeah, probably. I wonder what do they do. I should ask Erika next time," Candy has just completed the last question to her assignment and was tired from all the work she had to do. She put her homework in a folder then into her backpack, and laid her head on top of her arm. Closing both her eyes, she whispers to Kei in a soft, calming voice, "Can you read to me?"

The sudden question startled Kei. He had never read to anyone else other than his parents when he was younger. "I guess," he agreed and began reading a passage from his book. It didn't take long for Candy to fall asleep. Though it wasn't because she was bored of the story, she was very interested at first but she slept late the night before chatting with Erika until dawn. She barely got any sleep and needed to relax a little to help recharge her energy. A strand of hair fell onto her face, she looked so peaceful.

Once Kei saw that she was sound asleep he watched over her. Thinking to himself about what Laurence had told him the day before.

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