Ch. 2

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Kelin had settled into the routine of coming back to the gym on a two-to-three day a week basis rather easily, experimenting with various areas and rooms of the gym, and after two months, he was hooked.  He found the entire place a wonderfully welcoming environment, the staff and other clients were super friendly, the equipment always cleaned, and it seemed there was always someone willing to lend a hand, or a paw, to spot him or help him adjust equipment weights.  He hadn't signed on with any of the personal trainers, but he knew most of them by name, and they him.  His unique accent and his energy seemed to interest them as much as they did him.  He often found himself spending entire days in the various offices and meditation rooms when they were open to the public goers, working on college papers or listening to music.
    One evening, while talking with a few of the personal trainers, and hanging out in their lounge because they were okay with it, one of them, Hugo, ironically the Bovine who had invited him into the gym, asked, "Oy, Kel.  You ever thought of joining the gym as a trainer?"  The australian accented Bull sipped a huge bottle of water in one cloven-nailed hand, the one-gallon jug looking like a regular Dasani in comparison.

    Blinking in surprise, and lowering his cup of coffee, Kelin thought about it.  "What all does it entail?  Don't you need to pass a certification process and have a degree?"

    "Well yeah," Hugo said.  "But you don't gotta have all that at once.  You could always sign onto being gym staff and becoming a trainee or an intern.  Keep going to class, come here and work and work out at the same time, it's a good gig.  I'm graduating myself soon as a matter of fact.  Got bumped up to an official post because it's my senior year."

    "You're a student?" he asked, surprised.  Several of the others laughed.

    Ophelia, a lovely Otter woman, who headed up most of the swim classes, chuckled and leaned forwards onto her elbows.  She was only as tall as his shoulder, but she had a way of talking to anyone with such professional mannerisms and a motherly air that she was by far one of his favorite people here.  "You wouldn't think it," she said, teasingly flicking Hugo with her long rudder-like tail.  "The big oaf just used to be a Usual, but we talked him into it just the same.  Not everyone starts college straight out of high school."

    Hugo laughed loudly, a baritone sound mixed in with actual 'moo's'.  "Well, some of us have better things to do with our nubile energy than jump straight into more school right after we got out.  Me?"  He rolled up his fur-tight gym shirt and exposed a pale bleach-tattoo on his muscular forearm.  "Semper Fi!"  The bull leaned back smugly after they all whistled and nodded.  "Marines for six years, then came back to Arknought after some tours overseas.  Desk Sergeant recommended I try going to school since it would virtually be for free.  Didn't have a clue what to major in.  Ended up with Phys Ed."

    "What did you end up minoring in?" asked Rey, a Fox with various tattoos on his neck and arms.  Apparently the guy had used to be a tattoo-artist before finding his calling here, or so he had said a month ago.

    Hugo flushed and lost a bit of his swagger.  "Err... Home ec..." he said lamely, throwing around glares when they all chuckled.  He turned his attention back down to Kelin, the only human in the room.  "So, how bout it Kel?  What you majoring in?  Could easily take a minor in Physical Education if we can talk you into joining."

    Leaning back in his chair, Kelin looked up at the ceiling and sipped at his coffee.  The lounge had an excellent machine.  "Music, and a minor in Video Editing."  He blinked at the silence and glanced back at their surprised faces.  "What?  You've probably all failed to not see me with my headphones on when I'm not on the treadmills or bells."

    "You play?" Rey asked.

    "Yeah.  Some.  I more put together musical styles to see what sounds good."

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