×× chapter 11 ××

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It's been a week since the confession, and it was now Friday night. Class 1A have just finished watching a movie, and were now cleaning up their mess before going to bed. Izuku was cleaning the counter while Uraraka was mopping the floors since Kaminari and Sero had a food fight, in the kitchen, during one of the action scenes.

Katsuki was picking up some trash on the floor while Ashido and Kirishima were picking up the plates and bowls from the table. Kirishima looked behind him, at Katsuki, and walked over towards him. "When are you going to tell him?" Katsuki let out a few startled explosions. He sighed when he turned around and saw that it was the red head. "Ugh, none of your business." Kirishima rolled his eyes and lightly shook his head. "Well, you better tell him before Uraraka invites him for a hangout. They never got to do it last week." Katsuki let out a groan as he threw the trash in the garbage can and walked over towards the kitchen.

Izuku had just finished cleaning and was now standing above the sink, squeezing the water and dirt out of the cloth. "Oi, Deku." Izuku perked up when he heard his name and lightly blushed when he knew that Katsuki was the one that said it. "Hey Ka-" Izuku was interrupted with a kiss from the blonde. He lightly blushed when he pulled away and smiled up at him. "We're going on a date tomorrow." Izuku's eyes sparkled with surprise. "Really?! What time? What outfit should I wear? Is this going to be a romantic kind of date, or a casual date? Will w-" He was interrupted with yet another kiss by the blonde. "God, Deku, let me speak." Katsuki rubbed Izuku's head and kissed his forehead. "There's this new restaurant that opened up a few days ago. I already have permission to leave the school, so we're set tomorrow. Be ready by 2:30, hmm?" Izuku nodded his head and hugged the blonde. Katsuki chuckled as he hugged back. After they separated, Katsuki kissed Izuku's forehead again. "Night, Deku." He walked away with a small blush on his cheeks while Izuku lightly jumped up and down in excitement. "GOODNIGHT, KACCHAN!!"


"Ugh, what am I going to wear? I have NOTHING!!" Izuku screamed as he threw the last of his clothes on the bed. Uraraka let out a chuckle as she began rubbing Izuku's shoulders. "Calm down, Izu. You're just going to a restaurant. You're probably also going to go on a walk afterwards, so you're going to need something comfortable, but not sweatpants. Let's see here." Uraraka began rummaging through the greenette's clothes, trying to find the perfect outfit for his date.

Izuku was pacing back and forth, he was all over the place. Todoroki stood at the end of his room, leaning against the wall, watching the two. "You should stop worrying too much, Izuku. Whatever you wear, I'm sure Bakugo will love no matter what." "Shoto's right, Izu. You can wear your All Might onesie and he will still think you look handsome. Now, put this on." Uraraka threw the outfit she picked out at Izuku and pushed him behind the closet to change.

After a few minutes, Izuku walked out and began fixing his hair. "Ahh, this is perfect. Bakugo will love it. Now come on, leave. It's almost 2:30, you don't want to be late like last time. Shoto and I will clean up your room. Byee!" Uraraka pushed Izuku out of his room and shut the door behind him. He chuckled lightly as he walked downstairs.


Katsuki was leaning against the door frame, scrolling through his phone, while lightly tapping his foot. "Kacchan!" He looked up and saw Izuku running towards him. Before Katsuki could respond, Izuku slammed into him, and pulled him into a tight hug. The blonde let out a soft chuckle as his cheeks had a slight pink tint. Izuku stood on his tiptoes and kissed the blonde's cheek.

Kastuki smiled and kissed Izuku's forehead. He grabbed Izuku's hand and intertwined them before exiting the dorms.


♡ Drunken Confession ♡Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu