Hello Again!!

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I would like to first a for most apologize to everyone who has been reading this one shot series and come to enjoy it! I'd like to let you all know that I'm not discontinuing the series!
Due for the explanation of my absence... that's a long story.

It's been quite an adventure these past few months and to try to form it all into a few short sentences is going to be tough.

After the pandemic started and school in my area shutting down and such, I've been more focused in helping my family stay afloat while my step dad lost his job. Due to that my attention hasn't been focused on my family and I apologize for not taking the time to write! Recently it seems that my appendix despised me and decided to rupture. I did end up going to the er originally thinking I had food poisoning, turns out that wasn't the case, and in fact had a seemingly large infection (apparently the largest the doctors had ever seen and they were shocked about how high my pain tolerance was) I had to stay in the hospital for a week to drain the infection and got set up with antibiotics. I'm supposed to get my appendix removed in a few weeks or so which means plenty of time to update chapters and look over requests/suggestions!

Again I'm terribly sorry for my major absence! Please have an amazing day/night! Stay safe! And where your masks!

I cannot emphasize this enough, please wear your masks and social distance!

Thank you for bearing with me! I cannot express how much I love and cherish you all!

Thank you for bearing with me! I cannot express how much I love and cherish you all!

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