Chapter - 18

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"Rosellaaa......"  I woke to a voice. As I opened my eyes  a ray of  bright white light Peirced through my iris. I covered my eyes with my hands. And gathered the strength to stand.
I examined in all the four directions. There was nothing except bright white light. I could not even differentiate between the floor and the wall.
"Hello...... Is anyone here?" I said slowly.  To my surprise my voice echoed all across the length of that area. My hands went down on my dress and I noticed I wore an off shoulder white gown. Perfectly camouflaging the white background. However, I felt a pang of  confidence building up in me. I'm not afraid of what unknown situation I'm in. I just knew that I can face whatever comes next.

I felt a swift cold breeze blew from my behind. I shivered.
My feet moved automatically and I walked forward.

"Come my child. I'm waiting." I again  heard a womanly voice. Series of emotions ran through my mind. I wanted to see William right now. He's the only one who could make me feel better.

Walking I reached near a huge Metal door which opened automatically as I reached there. At the other side I saw a beautiful tropical scenery. In the middle of it a woman sat on a round table with her legs crossed and face towards the scenery. She was drinking something..... Tea I guess.

She turned her head and looked at me.

"Come sit down my child." Her voice showered motherly care and love. I was dumbfounded and I seemed to forgot what I was doing. I just stared at her.
My body moved automatically and I went near the table. She stood.
And my eyes were blinded by her aura.
She was perfect. Long Aubery hair, large eyes and perfect brows. Fair complexion with a slender and soft smile.

Is she a goddess?

My mouth hung open at her beauty and perfect features. For the first time in life I have seen someone so perfect that even nature will get shy........
I gasped at her foolishly.
She chuckled.

That sound made me come back to my senses. I was kinda embarrassed.
"Who are you?" I asked her in curiously. I wanted to know everything about her. She was intimidating that even standing before her made me self conscious.

" I'm SELENE." She spoke softly carving a gentle smile on her lips. And the next moment she embraced me in hug. I hugged her back.

Emotions, dilemma, shock, concern, anger, restlessness, anguish, sadness, happiness, satisfaction........ Almost every emotion crossed me at that time.
For the first time I felt sort of complete, loved and wanted. Her presence gave me some sort of courage, happiness, and bravery. 

I wanted to be near her always. A tear prickled down my eyes and she separated and catched that year just in time before it touched the hem of my dress.
As soon as the water drop that came out of my eye in the form of tear touched her hand it changed into a pearl.

I was shocked.

She made me feel strong and brave.
"Don't shed these pearls dear. It's very precious." And with that she clasped her hand and in a wink of eye she again opened her hand. This time the pearl she held was woven into a thread. Soft yet strong.
She took it and tied it around my neck as a necklace.

"Where am I?" I asked her.
She smiled.
"In heaven." She replied.

Did I die?
Maybe it's true because everything is white...... Even I'm dressed in a white gown.
All the events ran through my mind.
How I fought and a sudden power surge ran through me because of which I layed unconscious.

But whatever I must ask her once.

"Am I dead?" I asked her.
"No" she replied and took my hand gently gesturing me to come and sit at the chair in front of her own. Whole time I stared at her face and she just had that one gentle smile which could make you utterly relaxed.

"Then, why am I in heaven?" I asked her curiously.
"Because I called you." She replied while sitting on her chair and picking up the cup again.


She smiled and poured the same thing for me which she was drinking. Her smile contained some kind of mystery.
" Rosella. I want to tell you something." She said while smiling.

I sat in attention position.
"Me? About what?" I asked her.
"You." She replied and took a sip.
"Yes..... Rosella you're the chosen one." She said.
"Chosen? For what?" I was getting more and more confused.
"Chosen to end the bad." She replied.
"Bad? What kind of bad?"  I asked her. She was not explaining anything clearly.

"Bad which will deter this world." She replied in a stern voice. My throat dried up.
" I'm not Capable of this." I replied insure of what she was talking about. But one thing was sure that I don't want to get involving in anymore violence.

"You're. You passed all the situations and problems I put forth you."  She replied again with a mysterical smile.
I could not form any words.

"You and William did it. Now I'm sure that you both can take the legacy down." She said again.
"William? Legacy?" I could not understand anything.
"Yes, my child. The legacy of Destiny."
"I could not comprehend what all you're saying."

" I know. But you will soon. You both have to stop the war otherwise all your loved ones and this world will destroy. The dark forces are on their way to take down the earth. I believe that only you both can do this." She held my hand which was lying motionlessly on the table.

" But I'm just a mere human. I'm not even capable of being William's partner and you're saying that I have to work with him to stop an unknown waging war?" I spoke in one breathe.

"No my child. You're not just a mere  human. You're  equivalent to William in power and strength. The combined powers of the two of you are the nightmare of the dark forces." She squeezed my hand a bit.
"You're the only one who deserve William. Your love knew no bars and you reincarnated everytime just for him. You denied the Destiny. Your love is the worst nightmare for the dark forces."  She smiled.

It's hard for me to take up all those information. I felt my throat dried up. And I took the cup that was Infront of me and gulped it's ingredients in one sip.

"Easy! You may choke."she said in a concerned voice.
I coughed a little.

"Now it's time for you to leave. It has already been 10 days since you're unconscious. Our sweet prince must be worrying about you." She smiled.

"What? I'm there. Then how are you talking to me?" I asked.
"I'm talking straight to your soul." She smiled.
"But atleast tell me who I'm? If not a human?" I asked her again.
"You have to seek that yourself. Even I can't comprehend your powers. They're sealed. And only you know how to flourish it."

"What? I don't know anything." I replied.
"You know. It's just that you forgot. Now hurry it's the time to leave." She stood and so did I . She took my hand and leaded my to the gate.

" When will we meet again? I have to ask you many things." I said to her.
"On your 18th birthday. I'll bring you a precious gift." She replied and I nodded smiling back.

A bright flash of light came straight into my eyes which almost blinded me.

The next moment I was lying in my room...... I meant in William's house. He held my hand and was talking to someone else in the room.
I slowly moved my fingers and grabbed his hand. He stopped talking and looked at me in surprise.

I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw is my Love's face. I smiled.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
"Yeah. I think so." I replied.

That's all for this chapter guy's ♥️🔥

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