Chapter- 14

14 4 1

Oh my god!! I just got a boyfriend, and that too handsome like hell. He's perfect for anyone and same for me.

We finished our breakfast and all this while he was just staring me, making me a little uncomfortable.

" Umm... Your parents are here." He said all of a sudden.
I stopped with all that I was doing. I was not ready yet to face them. I felt bad for behaving like a spoilt brat with them but simultaneously I was not ready yet to talk to them. Now the tables are turned, I knew I was not their daughter........... And I didn't had much courage or confidence to speak in front of them.

" Rose... You are the best daughter that anyone could wish for. Please don't feel bad. They love you a lot. At least talk to them ....... Don't isolate them, love."

Yeah! I know they love me, but I thought they would hate me for my behaviour.......
" Umm hmm" I nodded my head.
"So come meet them." He said and asked for my hand. I gave him and he leaded the way.

Again crossing the same corridor which was now somehow more illuminated, we reached the main area.

Mom and dad were sitting on the couch holding each others hands and muttering prayers like they were about to get their high school result. Grief, concern and sadness surrounded their face. Tears filled in their eyes and mom was almost on the verge of crying her heart out.
My heart aches for them. No matter what the situation is or what they are hiding from me till date but I knew one thing that they are the ones who gave me new life..... A new hope and next to them there is William.... Who is always by my side.
And I believe if a person willingly stays there while your worst moments of life are hitting you, then he has all the fucking rights to be there and to share your happiness. I mean these kind of people truly loves you and you I knew that these three people loves me.

Tears rolled down my cheeks. Oh god! How would I confront them.
Mom spotted me and came towards me basically ran towards me and embraced me in a tight hug. William let go of my hand.

Still sobbing and hugging more tightly, showering kisses on my cheeks.
" I'm sorry... Sweetheart. We tried to hide the truth from you..... Because we were afraid to lose your love and trust."

She cried uncontrollably. Dad stood beside her lowering his head. I wrapped my hands around her. Tears continuously rolled down my eyes.
" I'm sorry for my behaviour." I stammered while saying it. A huge lump formed in my throat. I was an asshole thinking that our feelings and relationship would change after disclosure of the truth. I was Such a fool. They still loved me and even more than before. I don't care who are they or what are they I just know that I love them. I trust them with my life...... I was being a brat behaving like that.

She separated and cupped my face with her hand.
" Sweetie..... You didn't do anything. Rather we are sorry to you. We love you." She kissed my forehead and I again hugged her. I forwarded my hand towards dad, he held it and we three hugged each other. And all of us were crying with a smile.......
Ironical? Yeah I know but I think it was kinda sweet and heart warming. I smiled to myself.

" Oh my my! Just look at the small family reunion." We heard a voice interrupting our sweet little moment. And no need to wonder who it was? Obviously the moment wrecker was William.
We separated and looked where he was standing only to find that now he sat on a couch. His eyes were shining with happiness and his face was also glistened as if he was very happy with what all was going on.
I smiled at him, dad and mum nodded at him and sat on the couch in a second. And  I looked back to find them they were gone and sitting like nothing happened a second ago.

Oh god! Now I have to adapt myself to their heavenly speed also. I went and sat beside William, he gave me a cute and alluring smile as if he was very contended that I willingly sat beside him.
I rolled my eyes at him.

" James, when is the annual pack meeting fixed?" He asked dad..... And I didn't felt any weird about him calling my dad by his name. Maybe there were some kind of rankings or order amongst the supernatural's that's why age doesn't matter to them. This was my own theory..... Although once I asked Em about this but what she said was far beyond my understanding so I just changed the topic.

" On 7 october, prince. But due to inter pack disputes a minority of the alpha's are refusing to leave their pack." Dad Informed him.

" Ok then declare 7 October as the final date. And I want everyone's presence....... Also tell them I will snap away the reason because of which they can't come." He said very coldly.... Sending shiver down my spine. He felt damn authoritative and scary. Mom and dad also flinched in their positions.

" MIA told us about the letter. What are we gonna do about it ?" Mom asked.
And they continued their meeting while I was listening to their chats.... Many new words came into my notice which I wanted to know about.
Like alpha..... At first I  thought that they were talking about the mathematical notation alpha and solving a problem with alpha , beta ,gamma  but soon I got it that alpha is some kind of post or rank they give each other. And same with the rest other.
Other words were like Luna, blood oath, red eyes, night howlers, yellow eyes, the hunters and a name 'SELENE'.

Next part may take some time as now I would work on the another book..... ' Dynamite touch'.

Thank you for loving my story♥️

Honestly in the starting when I thought the plot....... I thought it would be a short story which can be narrated and read easily but as the time passed I realized it would be a really long story.

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