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I suddenly woke up in the midnight because of the loud noise coming from downstairs. It seems that my brother was caught again coming home late night.
Urgghh the noise ... I can't sleep now. I tried to get up from the bed but a sudden wave of pain hit me.

The room was all dark, I cannot see anything, the only senses working were hearing and the only sound coming was of yelling that also dimmed by the passing second. Shit! the pain is increasing. Not just a part but my whole body was shivering from the increasing intensity of pain. Every single inch of my body aches....

I can't understand why I was in such a pain, it's not like that I got hurt somewhere. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I opened my mouth to call mom and dad but my neck felt choked. Muscles were shrinking and creating a severe stretch all over the body. My heart was pounding against my chest, giving an about to burst sensation.  The Headache was like some sharp thing is hitting my head...

Ohh godd!! I was about to die. But then I heard the window of my room opening, I did locked it before going to bed but how is the window opening suddenly??!! It freaked me out.... A low frequency creaking sound of the window sent a chill down my spine. I turned my head in that direction I saw a dim blue light becoming brighter and brighter. After like five seconds I saw a circular figure outside the window.... Wait what!! It's a ball!!
And the most horrifying fact is that it's moving on its own is this even possible??!!

The ball came in from the window. I panicked. I tried to move my hands and legs and tried to escape but all in vain. The futile struggle only increased pain and not a single inch of movement was there. It floated in the air and was further advancing towards my bed.

It stopped at the edge of my bed... I was blank at the moment I just wanted to escape and run from that ghostly ball and the pain.
I was sobbing continuosly because of the pain. At the edge, the ball stayed still . But after like twenty seconds it Shoted and penetrated my chest right through my heart. The pain was something that can't be described in words. I lost consciousness at the very moment.

A sharp beam of light penetrating my eyelids was irritating my sleep. Then I got aware of my situation. Yeah! I'm back here. But wait I can't move my body.....
I tried to opens my eyes , move my hands but the struggle was worthless. I was feeling captured and tied to place. I wanted to free myself.
I can feel some heat in my skin, sunlight maybe.

After fully becoming aware of my senses and my position, I heard some noises from outside the door of my room. The noise of someone whispering . Soon I realized that's mom and dad.

Mom was all crying and panting. Dad stood by her side and consoling her.
"James! I can't see her like this." Mom said while sobbing.

"Calm down honey, she'll be fine soon. She's our daughter, she's strong and brave" I felt happy by what dad said.
"Yeah! I..I.... b..but I'm w..wo.worried. she's been sleeping for three days now." Mom was sobbing even harder now.

Wtf??!! Three days. I didn't expected that. I recalled all the past events. Oh bugger! The pain.... The pain was gone like hell. I felt refreshed and more strong. But the ball, it went in my heart right! So am I dead? No way how can that be possible! I can still feel heat ....

Suddenly I felt someone picked up my wrist and held it for like two minutes. Oh maybe he's the doctor. The next moment I can hear the person talking to my parents.
"Mr and Mrs parker, Rose's condition is stable now and she's out of danger" the doctor said as if he's relived so much.
"Thank you doc! It's all because of your efforts." Mom thanked the doc.
He smiled.
"Can we see her?" Dad asked.
"Yes, you can." The doctor smiled.
"Mr. Fallens, thank you. We are very grateful to you." Dad also thanked him holding both of his hands and smiling. Thereafter he left the room so that they can talk out their hearts to me.

Deny The Destiny ✔️ Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz