Chapter 11

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Red's Pov

Let's see what we have this time. It's not like I can't take it or it won't be scared of me. Let's have a look at what it is. Let's just say what I saw made me scared. It was one of the pack warriors. It's not that I can't take them, it's more I don't wanna get caught. I wonder what he is saying. Mia start reading or hacking the pack link to see what he is saying. On it.

"Yes Alpha Nixon, I Checked what the disturbance was and there is nothing around here." "Are you sure you checked everywhere? We can't take any chances." Let me guess. I'm probably the disturbance. "I'm sure, but I will check again."

Mia do you know what that means? Umm. That we are the reason why are mate looks stressed out. Bingo. We need to tell him. I know, but... But what Mia? Red run. Run? What? I then started running but Mia was trying to take over. I was trying hard not to loss control but Mia for some reason wanted control. Mia why do you need control? Look behind you. I then saw a pitch black wolf running after us. Not just any wolf either. An Alpha, Alpha Nixon A.k.a my mate. Oh that explains. He doesn't realize who we are so I have to take over. If I take over I can run quicker and I talk out from the wolf. Okay fine. Take over. I don't know if I will regret this later.

Nixon's Pov
(When he left from lunch)

Dang, this can't be good. This is exactly what I need right now. The rogues couldn't wait any longer, could they? Nope. They had to come. Oh shut up Evan. We need to hurry. I know. Let's go kick so Wolfe tails. Really Wolfe tails? Yup. Now let's go.

To say that the rogues where strong would be an overstatement. They actually weren't attacking. They were just from another pack who got taken down by rogues, and need a new one. Let's just say we have like five more pack members.

"Alpha there is a disturbance nerve the west side." Not again. "Did you check what it was?" "Yes Alpha Nixon, I Checked what the disturbance was and there is nothing around here." "Are you sure you checked everywhere? We can't take any chances." "I'm sure, but I will check again."

This is so stressful. I sometimes can't take this anymore. "Alpha I spotted a wolf with a star marking." "Again? Okay I'm on. my way." Let's put a end to this.

To say this wolf was fast would be an understatement. This wolf was faster then fast. Right now I'm right behind them, but they keep speeding up. The wolf was brown with the white star over one of their red eyes. I almost have them. Evan can you get a scent? That's the think. The wolf doesn't have a scent. What? No scent. It's possible. As you can see. Can you at least tell me if it's a she-wolf or not. Oh yeah I can. Yeah she is a she-wolf. Okay let's just say she is an impressive she-wolf.

Wait where did she go? She was just in front of us. "Turn around Alpha." Wait she shifted. Nope. Wait, she can speck without shifting. I quickly went behind a tree that has shorts hidden in it. When I came out the wolf was just sitting on her hunches, and licking her paw. "What do you want she-wolf." She then looked up at me. "Oh I just have to inform you that there are tons of us." Tons? "Us. What do you means by us?" Does she mean wolves. "I mean us wolves with the star over one of the red eyes." "Wait. There's more of you." Oh great. More wolves to take control of. "Yup, but that's all the information I know." I was pacing by this point. When I turned back to her she was gone.

She was gone. I can't believe I let myself to turn my back to her. I knew she was fast, but I was stupid enough to turn my back. Yeah, yeah we know your stupid. Now can we go see Red. We left her in the cafeteria at school, and I want to see she is safe. You just want an excuse to see your mate, but then again she is my mate too. So yeah I will text her. Yayy! I mean cool. Wolves. They are whipped for there mates. Then again I'm a half wolf, so I kinda just said that about myself. Anyway to text Red.

Red's Pov

That was so close. I almost got caught by him. Yes but we ran away before he could ask any more questions. That's true. We need to tell him. It actually hurts me lying to him. I know, but let's just say we will tell him next time we see him. Okay deal.

To: Red
Hey can I come over to hang out?

From: Nixon

Sometimes I hate promises. Do I have to though? Yeah I will. I can't wait much longer.

To: Nixon
Yeah you can come over. I have to tell you something anyway.

From: Red

To: Red
Okay I will be there in a little bit.

From: Nixon

I wonder how this will end. We have to do it. I know. Let's think of a plan. Okay, we have like 10 minutes.

A/N Cliff hanger. I know. But it's leading up to something. I hope you like the chapter though. But now,
Love dragons,
unicorns are sparkling,
and Ba Bye.

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