Chapter 5: The Fallen Angel

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To have the first week behind you was a great triumph.

Since the elevator accident and the enigmatic disappearance of Professor Ren, nothing dramatic happened throughout the week. Some assumed he had quit school. Others thought he was no longer alive. His lack of care for his students was funny. While they wished he would return, he probably already forgot their names and their existence.

And hopefully, yours as well. Some students always asked the other teachers when Professor Ren would come back, but just like the teachers, nobody knew when this would happen or if this would happen at all. And you hoped this would stay that way.

You couldn't call him an outstanding professor, at least not yet. He had only taught two hours of psychology on the first day. Most of the time, he just bragged about how difficult and complicated his subject was and something about Stanford University. And that was it.

Sleeping in on a Saturday was something new for your ears because you didn't hear the annoying sound of the alarm in the morning. You completely forgot about your meeting with the choir for the complete day. Not that you had other plans in mind, but nobody should spend a Saturday at school.

Ms. Holdo would say, "God took a break on a Sunday, so Saturday is a workday."

If she were God, then you, the choir, would be her world that she wanted to create. She preferred to hear the choir sing when the entire school was empty, and only The Nightsisters who protected the school could be the audience.

Maybe they were the one who chased Professor Ren away? Because they had a feeling that he was evil? That he could be a danger to the school? Or to you? Then they must have forgotten to chase Mr. Hux away years ago.

For a Saturday afternoon, the weather was not too bad. It wasn't raining, and you could even see the sun, though it did not make your skin sparkle like a disco ball. And as usual, you were late. Again.

The large room that served as a chapel for the school was on the first floor. When you arrived and opened the heavy brown door, you felt something breathe into you. To enter the chapel, after a long time, was a comfortable feeling. Nothing had changed. The big lead glass windows still had the same paintings and welcomed the sun as always with joy. The sun thanked them by reflecting a small rainbow within the windows on the white wall.

Everyone was already sitting in a circle on the other side of the room on the grey, scratchy carpet, with crossed legs and tired faces. Ms. Holdo wore her usual long dress that was nearly as purple as her hair. She stood on the stony stairs when she looked at you and said, "There you are! Come sit down! We just started."

You took off your jacket and threw your backpack on the pile with the other bags. Kaydel whistled to you to indicate for you to sit down next to her.

As you sat down, your brain directed you to look where Ms. Holdo was standing. At her right side sat an unknown boy who looked like a lot of trouble. When you saw his face, you felt your heartbeat increasing.

The young man looked like the fallen angel, who got excluded from heaven for being too handsome. His look screamed like a lot of alcohol, cigarettes, and exciting one-night stands. His dark brown hair was the color of the wooden folding chair where he sat with his legs crossed.

Your stomach started spinning around at a fast speed when his index and middle finger of his left hand pressed against his temple, and his ring and little finger gently touched his lips. You could almost think he was Sherlock trying to read you by your appearances. He observed you from a distance, and slowly a smirk appeared on his face and -

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