Chapter 21: Fears & Forgiveness

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"Why does every single muscle you move has to end up with me touching you?"

That was perhaps Professor Ren's first sentence, considering he was silent for the entire ride. After arriving at his place, he put you in the elevator while he used the stairs up to the top. He just didn't expect you to end up sitting on the stone flooring. And if you had to be honest, neither did you.

And just as you lifted your head, the elevator door closed in front of his resting, grumpy face.

It's not that you did everything in your power to get him to touch you. It was more that you probably would have ended up on the floor if he hadn't. Sure, once or twice he had to hold your arm or hair while you threw up in front of his apartment and couldn't stand properly. After all, he was the one who had offered to take you back to his place. So basically, he could imagine what he was getting himself into.

Making sure you didn't die was not the hardest thing to do. And in this case, Professor Ren has done a great job so far.

Time passed slowly, and the strength to get up became harder and harder. Why didn't he hold the door? And before you shakily got back up on your bare feet, with a cling, the elevator door opened again.

Professor Ren's face glowed in relief. "I see you got back on your feet without my help."

You held on to the grab bars. "I'm trying, just gimme... hic... some time. What took you so long?" With your head spinning, you made it out of the elevator.

Professor Ren led you to the left, where a bright light sparkled from a large open door. Just as you were about to enter, his hand softly patted your shoulder. "Hold on," he said, and pointed his finger to the floor. A small path of different dark tones of towels were leading straight to the bathroom. "Follow the towels."

You squinted your eyes. "Are you — are you a germanophobe?"

Shock crossed his face. "What? I hope you mean a germaphobe."

"Yeah, that's... hic... what I said."

He let out an exasperated sigh. "No, I'm not a germaphobe. I just don't want my house to get dirty. Especially not after I've been cleaning it all day."

"Ah, I see, I see," you smirked, rubbing your hands together. "Wiping away the traces."

"Just follow the path," he said, annoyed.

You let out a silent laugh and stretched your arms to both sides. Like a circus artist, you stuck up your nose and stepped on the soft and luxurious towels. As you arrived in the bathroom, you couldn't help but complain about the bright light that splintered in your eyes.

"I don't like your mirror lights," you said, trying to block it with your hand.

You recognized Professor Ren in the mirror standing near you and pushing up his sleeves to his elbows. "Oh, really? I'm sure it feels the same way about you." To your wish, he turned them off with the only light coming from the ceiling.

Staring at him in the mirror was not nearly as fascinating as simply turning your head to him. His strong arms, and how his black shirt, that pulled slowly upwards, hugged his muscles. And his concentrated gaze...

"I see you."

Frighteningly, you turned your face forwards. When Professor Ren finished, he plunged his hands onto his hips and let out a breath. Although you continued to look at him in the mirror, he turned his gaze downward to you. "Your turn."

Your eyes widened. "I beg... hic... your pardon?"

He pointed with his finger at your legs. "Your pants are too long." It took you a while to understand what he was planning on doing. Or better to say why he was doing it. "I'm going to push them up to your knees."

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