26: Jungkook's Truth

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Seokjin turns to Jimin as he says, "You can go ahead."

Jimin bows slightly, walking ahead as Taehyung follows.

As they place themselves on the two vacant chairs, Jimin initiates the conversation, "Hi."

The man looks up, his eyes popping out from behind his blonde bangs. His eyes are plain black, and his nose is giving Jimin a chill in the spine.

Taehyung notices the tension between the two, to ease it a little, he says, "Hey! We're both blondes!"

"What do you want?" The man comes straight to the point.

Rude. Thinks Taehyung.

"Do you, perhaps, know of a boy named Jeon Jungkook?" Jimin asks.

"Yes, why?" 'Joon', questions.

"He is our roommate," Taehyung joins the conversation. "We wanted to talk to you regarding him, But before that, what is your name?"

"Namjoon, Kim Namjoon." The man bluntly replies.

"Jungkook takes pills at night, anti-sleep pills. Do you know why?" Jimin asks.

Namjoon just blankly blinks twice (not looking at Jimin and Taehyung) before saying, "He does not like to sleep."

"Why?" Taehyung stresses.

Namjoon, who had been staring at a drawing on the wall all this time, shoots his gaze towards Jimin and Taehyung. The aura turns dark and spine-chilling. Namjoon runs his fingers through the locks of his hair, pushing them behind as discomfort reflects on his face.

"That little boy," he starts, "He has a gift."

He gulps before saying, "His dreams, can become reality."

Taehyung frowns, "What do you mean?"

Namjoon picks up the water bottle and tremulously drinks the water. Streaks of sweat start to roll down the side of his face as he says, "His dreams, they come true, so do his nightmares."

"His dreams, they make you feel magical." Says the man sitting on the other side of the desk. "They're beautiful, you know?"

"But the nightmares, they can be deadly." He adds onto the answer.

"He is god gifted," continues Namjoon, "He can make you see what he dreams, what he imagines, what he fears."

"He is also phobic to violence," Jimin softly says, "Do you know why?"

Namjoon stiffens at the question. His gaze — which was on the two males in front of him till now — lowers as he takes in a deep, solemn breath. "I don't know," says he, his hands clutching the mechanical instrument he holds, "You should ask someone else."

Taehyung tries to speak, but Jimin stops him, reminding him that they are at a psychiatry and they should not be held responsible for any disturbance.

"Thank you," Jimin bows before he exits the room, pulling Taehyung with him.

As they come out, they meet Seokjin on the doorstep.

"Was he able to help you?" Seokjin asks.

"Yes," Jimin says, "But just for the half of it, we need to know more."

"Oh," Seokjin softly says, "Well, there is another person who can help you." He suggests.

How long has it been since I have dropped an update? I am legit cursing myself right now!
I am so, so, so, so sorry for such a late update :-(

I had hit a writer's block for this story and honestly, I still have not completely recovered from it, which explains why this chapter is so damn poorly written.

You have my sincere apologies and I hope I am forgiven.
I will try my best to write from here on and I hope I do not write low quality chapters in the future.

Yet, I hope you liked this chapter.
If you did, don't forget to vote and pin down your lovely comments like usual!

Stay gold!

❤️ BG

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