day five: the confused

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Lunas POV

"Luna?" I opened my eyes slowly but it was still very cold.

After a moment i finally replied.

"Yes?" I said tired-ly

"Are you okay? Im sorry, i should have came sooner!"

"Its..." i was very disoriented "its okay"

"I was in the next room over with Apple Jack. They replaced me and A.J with Changlings.

"C'mon, follow me" i stood up. The purple pony looked back at me and i toppled over.

"Ow. Im so confused! Changlings? Apple Jack? I dont know what or who your talking about!" A alicorn or.. i think it was a alicorn, walked in.

"Memory loss. Its a side effect." The alicorn chuckled. "Do you remember me?"

"No." I was very confused and didnt understand what was going on.

"Im Chrysalis. A changling." She informed me

"Can anyone tell me what going on? Please?" I dreaded thinking about the possibilities.

"You in a dungeon, in my castle and that- " she pointed towards the purple alicorn sitting in the corner "-is twilight."

"Uh, hi?"

"Hello there." I looked back at the changling and asked "why am i here?" The changling smiled

"You were in the way of my plans."

"Im not anymore since i dont remember anything, so can i go now?"

"Can you go now?" She sighed "in a hour or two you memory will be restored. So, no." the Changling turned around and started walking towards the door

"Uhhh, good luck?" The changling looked back at me

"I wont be needing it" the changling trotted out of the room and Twilight sighed.

Two hours later

"My head hurts... so badly!" I shrieked

"Sorry but theres nothing i can do to help." Twilight said sadly. My head started to burn like it was struck by lightning. Then... nothing. I was fine, i felt fine. Then i started remember things.

"I... remember, i think..."


"... y-yes. I uh, wait..." then i went in EXTREME pain! I screamed and shouted then the Changling walked in.

"Whats going on?" She looked at me and said: "ah yes, stage four. Extreme pain." A pony with flaming hair walked in... Daybreaker. Yes, shes daybreaker.

"Hello there." Then she placed a spell on me and i passed out... again.


Sorry about the short chapter!

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