day two: the burned

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Reader POV:
Luna sat on the train and sighed pondering when she will get to Ponyville. The train stopped suddenly and a loud BANG came from the outside of the train. Luna looked out the window and realized they have been caved in by a mud slide! Luna wasnt out side of the Changling force field yet so she still didnt have any magic to help the other ponys or herself. All she could her was the screaming of worried ponys and crying of fillys. She broke the window and started to to dig herself out.

"We have to dig ourselves out if we wish to live!" Luna shouted. Everypony started to agree and start digging. Once she got out she found out they were surrounded by Changlings! Luna flew out and started to fight them by hoof until she broke her wing and had to retreat back to the muddy train. She kept on trying and trying and by the end of the day she gave up and realized she was trapped and there was no way out.

2 hours later

After two hours of waiting for the inevitable a changling came in, only one though. Than she made a plan. If she flew out and acted like she was the changling than she might be able to escape and get help! And thats exactly what she did. Her plan worked out yet she underestimated how long it would take to fly to ponyville. Once she made it back she ran to Princess Twilights castle. She hurriedly knocked on the door and Spike answered.

"Oh, hi Princess Luna" Spike greeted Luna and Luna paced in.

"Where is Princess Twilight?"

"She in her library. Why ask?"

"No reason." Spike seemed suspicious. Luna trotted down the hallway as she heard the clattering of books in Twilights library. She opened the door and saw Celestia and Twilight in there.


"No" celestia looked over at Twilight and whispered something in her ear than twilight walked out of the room. Luna watched as Celestia  magically turned into Chrysalis!

"CHRYSALIS! WHERE DID YOU PUT MY SISTER?!" Luna yelled in her Royal Canterlot voice. Chrysalis took a step back

"Celestia?" Chrysalis laughed "Celestia is right here" Chrysalis opened the doors on the other side of the room than a alicorn walked in with hair of fire.

"I am Daybreaker" The alicorn said "if you can be nightmare moon than I can be daybreaker" Daybreaker said.

"What do you want?!"

"Exactly what you wanted. Eternal daylight! You treated me like the bad guy! Your the one that turned evil! I deserved better! I was forced to take over an  entire kingdom for one thousand years!" Thats the moment Luna realized that was Celestia! Well, sort of.


"Celestia is gone darling. long gone" DayBreaker shot a powerful flaming ball of fire towards luna but luna put a shield up.

"What do you want with me?

"I want you to... BURN!"

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