day one: the invaded

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Lunas POV
I woke up at 8 pm and walked up to the balcony to rise the moon. I sighed

"Luna?" Luna jumped at the sound of her sister.


"I was wondering if you could go tell the guards theres a changling somewhere in the castle, and it just happens to be Chrysalis"

"What?!" i was so suprised when Celestia said Chrysalis. "H-how?!"

Celestia sighed and said "it was at day whilst you were asleep. I was busy dealing with a few Timber Wolves near the Everfree Forest when she found a way into the castle." Once she finished she trotted towards the edge of the balcony to set the sun. I walked towards and through the doors of my bedroom and warned the gaurds about the Changling. I yawned and walked back into my bedroom and Celestia was gone.
I performed a spell that took me to the dream realm, the first dream i visited was Fluttershys. I trotted around the blue and brown room. I saw a door and opened the it, it was Fluttershys dream animal sanctuary! There were palm trees, waterfalls and lots of animals! there seemed to be no problems there so she left to to go to the next dream. It was like that for the rest of the night.

Once luna was finished dream walking it was morning. She walked down to the dining room where her sister was.

"Good morning Luna!" Celestia said cheerfully. "Would you like a pancake?"

"No" she said tired-ly, than she yawned and walked back to her bedroom to sleep.

4 hours later

"PRINCESS LUNA WAKE UP!" a guard yelled from outside of her bedroom. Luna got up as fast as she could and ran out of her room.

"Wha-" she looked around and realized there was nobody there besides the guard that called her. The the place was messy and had rips and tears in the walls. "What happened"? She finished.

"This morning after you went to your chambers we realized Princess Celestia was acting different and it turns out she was taken be Queen Chrysalis at mid night. Come, we must take you to the other princesses before you are taken too"

"Good idea" luna agreed and ran down the hall with the guard. Once she reached the door she told the guard to stay there and act like a changling than she ran off into a ally of Canterlot. Luna tried to do a teleportation spell but her magic wasnt working because of a changling force field that was around Canterlot. So she ran to the train, hopped on it and was on her way to Ponyville to meet up with Princess Twilight Sparkle.

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