Chapter 20

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You know that feeling of bliss when everything in your life is right, all the bad things in the world melt away. That's the feeling that has taken over Lucy's body.

She was sprawled out on a grand baroque couch, she let her eyes drift closed, listening to the music coming from the record player, a faint smile played on her lips, it felt like she hasn't smiled in a century. Her eyes snapped opened again when she heard heavy footsteps approaching her. She tensed but quickly relaxed when the face that belonged to the footsteps reaveled themselves.

"I'd lose the smile, wouldn't want anyone to know you could do that." His voice was more beautiful than the music.

"Can't I be happy?" Lucy closed her eyes again. She felt his hand caress her hair, and his lips against her forehead, then her cheek, her neck, then her lips. Lucy latched her hands around his neck. She forgot what his lips felt like, or anyone's lips for that matter. She felt like a virgin being touched for the first time.

His lips went down her neck and pecked their way down to her heart. She let a moan slip from her lips. "Who do you belong too?" He growled into her breast.

"You." Lucy managed to squeal out, she reached down and grabbed his nearest hand and interlocked their fingers together.

"No, say my name love." He was at her naval now, he kissed around it then went back to her lips.

"Klaus." She groaned against his lips and fell deep into his kiss, her eyes closed and she let herself melt into his body.

"That's right love, not my brothers. Mine, all mine." His voice seemed to fade.

When Lucy opened her eyes again, Klaus wasn't on top of her anymore. he wasn't even in the room. The music was no longer playing, and she wasn't on the couch but a bed.

Lucy felt paralyzed, like she had just awoken from a nightmare, matter of fact she did. The blankets shifted beside her and a strong arm slip around her and pull her into their chest, the body felt familiar. Lucy relaxed when she succumbed to realization.

She remembered that Stefan released every daggered Mikealson from their death-like sleep three days ago. Meaning Elijah returned home to her. Spending the amount of time she did with Klaus screwed up her mind, made her forget reality. She raised her head slightly to catch a glimpse of the clock. 4:42am. Her alarm was scheduled to go off till six.

Lucy carefully turned around to find her lovers face. He was so peaceful, she hated that he slept. He was asleep for so long, dead for so long. She wanted him awake, of course she couldn't just wake him up, that would be inconsiderate. Instead she started to rustle around as if she was uncomfortable in her sleep.

"Lucia, can you quit moving, dear?" He mumbled.

"I'm sorry I woke Elijah. I had a nightmare I suppose." She yawned.

"Worry not, it's all just a dream. Care to talk about it?" Elijah pulled her to him, she shook her head. "I won't pry. Before I forget, I have been meaning to give you something." He got out of bed, turned on the side lamp, and disappeared out of the bedroom.

Lucy sat in silence, yet only for a moment until her phone began to buzz. the only person that should be calling her at this hour is her brother. She rolled her eyes when she saw the call came from Klaus.

"What?" She hissed.

"Don't be so hostile, love. I see Elijah is letting you take calls while he ravishes you."

"You're disgusting"

"But I'm right aren't I? I just call to inform you that I had a dream about you." Lucy's teeth clenched. "Do you want to hear about it?" His voice got low and seductive.

"Go to hell." She growled. She saw Elijah shadow approach the door. With nothing, not even a goodbye she hung up.

"Who was that?" He strode over to the bed, and envelope in hand.

"Your brother."

"Why is he calling you so early?"

"A better is why is he calling me at all?"

"Understandable. Did he bring my name up at all?" Elijah sat on the bed. Lucy laughed at how pompous he sounded.

"Yes, he assumed you were ravishing me." Lucy rolled her eyes, she felt disgusting saying that.

"Well yeah I'll do that later but I have more important business to tend to." He held the envelope in front of her face with two fingers, Lucy smirked and snatched it out of his hand. And gently tore it opened. "My family is having a ball to honour mothers revival." Lucy read the invitation, she was more focused on the elegant writing.

"And you want me to attend. I'm flattered." She put the invitation back into the envelope and place it onto the side table.

"I don't only want you to attend." He took her hand. "Lucia, will allow me to escort you to my own party." Elijah said in the most cheesiest way, he would never behave like this in front of anyone else but Lucia brought out the silly side in him.

"I'd be honoured to." Lucy said boldly and the giggled.

"Excellent," He leaned in and kissed her. The kiss lasted longer than necessary but they couldn't get enough of each other. Finally he pulled back, "now about that ravishing."

[a/n] I'm just going to leave this here

Sired to Elijah; Compelled by KlausOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant