Chapter 12

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Ray had lied. He never gave Klaus the whereabouts of his pack so he took things to the extreme.

Ray was on the pool table bleeding from his neck and head. "You're just making this harder for yourself, friend." Klaus said.

"I can't tell you." Ray hissed.

"Yes okay, I understand. But was it necessary to lie to sweet Lucia? She doesn't handle lying very well. Speaking from experience."

"They are at smoky mountain." The werewolf muttered weakly. Obviously tried of torture.

"Now was that so hard?" Klaus said and cut into his wrist drawing blood and shoved it into his mouth making him drink it.

When Klaus pulled back his arm and without hesitation snapped Ray's neck. "This isn't going to work." Lucy said picking her nail. Her feet were propped up onto the table.

"What makes you so sure?" Klaus leaned onto the table.

"When it comes to you something is bound to go wrong." She smiled. She heard footsteps approaching, she could smell the scent of blood and cologne. Stefan Salvatore.

"Is he off our trail?" Klaus asked walking up to Stefan. He nodded and looked away, gripping the back of the chair. "Every time you communicate with them the more you care for them."

"I don't care about anyone anymore." Stefan said matter-of-factly.

Klaus was about to say something but remembered that Lucy was sitting right there. "Lucia, go find clothing appropriate for the mountains." Lucy rolled her eyes and got up. She found a girl that was about her size and compelled her to switch clothes with her.

As Lucy was changing in the bathroom she began to listen in on the conversation between Klaus and Stefan. "You left everything behind for a reason." Klaus snarled.

"To save my brother." Lucy would've done the same thing. Would rather be dead then see Luke die. I wonder where he is. If he's safe. Lucy thought.

"I still don't understand why you saved him. If and when you go back Elena will be with him. I wouldn't've." Lucy opened the bathroom door and entered the main bar again, still listening to their conversation.

"I'm not you. I'll never be you. You say Damon is the crazy, impulsive vampire in love with his brothers girl. I saw right through you. You were talking about yourself." Stefan took one last look at Klaus and left.

Klaus turned and saw Lucy there. He did a double take. His eyes didn't deny what Stefan accused. Niklaus Mikealson is not capable of love. Lucy too left the bar. As the cool, night air embraced her burning body she noticed Stefan no more the 20 feet from her, holding the phone to his ear.

He didn't say anything just listened to the sound of the voice coming from the speaker. When he hung up the phone and turned his eyes were bloodshot and puffy. Lucy held out her hand. "Give me your phone."


"Your phone. Give it to me and go get a drink you need it." Stefan was reluctant at first but then place his phone in Lucy's tiny hand.

She walked out by the place Stefan was. She placed her finger on the app that read 'phone.' The last call was to Elena. She pressed the call button and held it up to her ear. It only rang once before she picked up.

"Stefan is that you again."

"No, Elena. It's Lucy. I'm with Stefan."

"You're with him? Right now? Where are you?" Elena asked all at once.

"Elena, you know very well I cannot tell you that. If I tell you Klaus will kill you and Stefan. I called to tell you to stop looking for him."

"Bu-" She was cut off.

"I know you want to find him. I'm trying to turn Klaus' mind around."

"Lucy, I'm not going to stop until I find Stefan and he's back home."

"Okay, suit yourself. Have a good night Elena Gilbert. Oh, I don't think Damon needs to known about out little chat tonight." And with that Lucy hung up the phone.

"If god is real, let him give me the strength to stay sane." Lucy muttered up to the sky.

Sired to Elijah; Compelled by KlausWhere stories live. Discover now