Chapter 2

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Mystic Falls, 2010

Lucy and Katherine were trapped. Klaus had forbade them to leave.

"Remind me again why your Klaus's little bitch?" Katherine asked, digging a knife into her thigh.

"Elijah thinks I'm too weak to be independent." Lucy drummed her fingers on the counter. "And since Klaus has trust issues amongst his siblings, and Elijah leaves without offering to free me from torture I'm stuck here for possible the rest of my life."

"That's unfortunate." Katherine muttered flatly. She could care less about Lucy's problems.

The door whipped open and in walk Alaric Saltzman, but both girls knew it was Klaus with him was a buff warlock, the one who transferred Klaus into Alaric's body.

"Lucia darling, how would you like to abandon this forsaken place?" Klaus smirked

"With you? I'd rather stay here and watch Katherine stab herself." She snarled. Klaus frowned and pinned her against the wall.

"Listen here. I made a promise to my brother to protect you. That means being along side myself so I can fulfill that deed."

"I know where you're going. How suspicious would it be for you, A murderous vampire disguised a beloved vampire hunter to be with someone who has never been seen but the doppelgänger?"

"That's why my brother left you in my possession. That would have been a terrible mistake on my behalf." Klaus smiled and grabbed the sides of her neck.

"Was that enough to earn a visit to my brother?"

"No." Klaus frowned and Lucy rolled her eyes.

A couple of months after Lucy turned into a vampire, her brother Luke started ingesting minimal amounts her blood into his system.

After a while their father started getting suspicious. He was under the influence that Luke was the one who was the monster, not Lucy. He killed Luke but when he entered transition Luke got his revenge. He fed of his father a killed him.

Luke has never known when to stop. No self control. He would kill you in a blink of an eye. So Lucy had not choice but to starve him. He's been in an abandoned crypt for the last 500 years. Lucy tries to visit him every other month and visit, maybe give him a little bit of blood.

She can't bleed him dry. Can she?

"I told you, you'll be able to see Luke if and only if you cross his path."

"How can I cross his path if you never let me leave." Lucy fumed.

"Ah, I guess you found my little loop hole."

"May you burn in hell with the rest of your family."

"I wish all the same for you love!" Klaus called as he slammed the door.

"I'm already there!" Lucy screamed when he left. She wasn't going to cry. This isn't a new thing for Klaus. He's only been doing these things the last 1000 years. She turned to Katherine.

"Do you know where Elijah is?" She asked.

Katherine smirked and nodded, digging the dagger into her thigh again.

Sired to Elijah; Compelled by KlausTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon