Chapter 16

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The compelled store clerk filled up Lucy's wine glass again. "There has to be more to the dress." Rebekah said from inside the changing room.

"There isn't." Klaus snapped. Rebekah threw open the curtain and walked out in a black cocktail dress.

"You were right Lucy. Woman do dress like prostitutes. I got in dirty looks for wearing trousers."

"You wore trousers so woman today could wear nothing." Klaus said again.

"And they thank us for it." Lucy sipped her wine.

"Are we done?" Klaus asked.

"Why are you so grumpy?" Rebekah said.

"I needed one thing from you to find out why my hybrids were dying and you lost it."

"I didn't lose it. It's just been missing for ninety years." Rebekah mumbled the last part. She backed up a bit and spun. "How dies it look?" The dress was much to short for Lucy's liking.

"I like it." Stefan said and Rebekah shit him a dirty look.

"I always no when your lying, Stefan." She said and went back to the changing room.

"Good job." Klaus rolled his eyes pouring himself another glass of wine from the bottle he took from the clerk.

"I'm going to get some air." Stefan raised and mad his way to the door.

"Lucy, I need some assistance." Rebekah called. Lucy rose out of her seat and slipped into the dressing room where Rebekah stood half naked. "Which one make me look the least slutty?" She stared at two outfits. One a red dress and the other a white tank top and black shorts.

"The tank top and shorts." Lucy said.

"Lovely." Rebekah began putting on the shirt. "I've noticed you seem to be less miserable than the other days you've had to suffer my brother's enslavement upon you. Developing feeling towards each other?"

"She wishes!" Klaus yelled from his spot. Lucy rolled her eyes.

'He wishes.' She thought in despite of what he told her a couple nights ago. 'The only thing Klaus Mikealson loves is control.'

"No I don't have feelings for him. I've just gotten really good at hiding my misery." She looked at Rebekah's clothing. "Better." She said and left the change room. She returned back to her seat and took the half empty wine bottle from Klaus and drank to straight from the bottle.

Less than a minute later Rebekah came out in the clothing that Lucy had suggested.

"Shouldn't we be going? Where's Stefan." Rebekah placed her hands on her hips.

"I would presume you'd know. Since you know everything about him." Klaus smirked up at her. Lucy threw the bottle at his head knowing it would not hurt.

"Play nice." Lucy said nonchalantly. She felt her phone vibrate beneath her thigh, indicating a phone call. She grabbed her phone and read the name


[a/n] all right there was supposed to be more to this but it is LONG overdue.

Sired to Elijah; Compelled by KlausWhere stories live. Discover now