25. Last chapter

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Lmao, I decided to just skip the whole chapter with the pregnancy stuff so this is the last chapter. I am a bit disappointed in myself that this story was so short, but maybe I will rewrite it one day and make it longer and better.

10 years later.


It has been 10 years since I birthed our child Athena. We have watched her grow to a beautiful girl throughout the years. She got Zelda's beautiful light green eyes and my dark brown hair. She was just like a mini version of Zelda and me. Though the first year was a bit hard, I managed to get used to it. She wasn't a big crybaby but she had her moments as a baby. Zelda helped a lot as well, she was a bit too eager to help me at first which annoyed me, but then I realised how dumb I was for being annoyed by Zelda who only wanted to help. She was my precious beautiful wife and I would never get annoyed with her from something as stupid as that ever again.

Anyways, yes we got Athena but we also adopted a son from the local foster home. His name is August because he was born in August and it's a good name as well. He is 1 year younger than Athena. They seem to get along very well, but there are fights once in a while, but never anything serious, fortunately.

Athena ha got interested in arching and she loved helping the stall boy with the horsesWewe, ga, ve her a pony as she loved horses. August enjoyed painting, he was quite young but I believed he would be a great artist in the future. He liked to draw animals or trees.

Zelda and I were still going strong with our relationship, arguments were rare and usual stupid so we always made up rather quickly. We were not only mates but soulmates too, she was the perfect woman for me and I still consider myself lucky to have gotten her as my wife and have her as the mother to our children.

Today is my birthday, I didn't want a party, only celebrate it with my family and closest friends. Adin, Melissa, Marceline and Lily. Adin and Melissa got a child as well as surprisingly. She is 2 years younger than Athena. she was an adorable little thing as well. I can't believe I'm 33 years old today, time goes by so fast.

I had gotten lovely gifts from everyone. Zelda had given me a gold necklace with rubies. "Mom, I have a gift for you!" Athena yelled excitedly. I looked at the neatly wrapped gift. It was obvious that someone had helped with the wrapping.

"Really? Thank you" I started to unwrap the gift and saw what seemed to be a wolf carved into wood, it was a pretty rough carving, but you could see it was a wolf. "Wow, did you do this all by yourself?" I asked her. She looked over at Zelda and then nodded at me. She had gotten help from Zelda.

"Thank you, it's beautiful" I went in for a hug and she happily accepted it.

Being surrounded by my friends and family that Zelda and I started was what made me happy. My happiness was with all of them and I couldn't ask for anyone better.

Marceline and Lilith didn't want children which were understandable. Sometimes we made Lilith or Marceline babysit our children. They usually behaved, but when they didn't they could be a pain in the ass.

After the little birthday party, I had Zelda, Athena, August and I go to the mountain with our horses to have a picnic. We weren't at the top of the mountain only far up enough for us to get a great view of the world below.

We also took our two dogs with us. They were both Alaskan malamutes, quite big dogs. Unfortunately, Baxter, my first dog had died a few years back, but he lived an amazing happy life and I am sure he enjoys dog heaven anyways, he was a good boy.

"Hey, Athena share with your brother," Zelda said sternly as they had been fighting each other for pastries. It was a common occurrence that they fought for something even though it was plenty enough for both of them.

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