6. Getting Lily

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It has been several days since I confessed to Layla. None of them have tried to contact me luckily. I am a wreak and I cannot let them see me like this. I have been laying in bed all day and crying. I have not eaten anything as I have no appetite.

I am simply all alone in my manor miserable and depressed. Nothing can make me feel better now. I do not know what to do with myself and I have canceled all the meetings I had with other witches this week since I am in no state to talk to anyone.

I have been getting drunk which makes some of the pain go away, I should not be doing this, but this is the only way I know to get some kind of comfort from it. I bet Zelda and Layla hate me now, I might have ruined their relationship, but I pray to Satan that I have not.

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Where is Marceline? She told me she would come if I needed help. I need her. I cannot be here anymore. My body is hurting, and my mind is fading away, soon only my wolf will be left.

They bite me, scratch me and hit me. I cannot take this any longer. She has been gone for two weeks. Did she abandon me here?

The Alpha came into the dungeon they had put me in. I was free to do whatever I wanted the first week, but then they decided to put me in this cell and abuse me. I have been abused my whole life, only when Marceline found me, I got some peace. She was mad at me when I bit Zelda, but I did it for her sake. She was in love with Layla and all I wanted was for Marceline to be happy, even if it was not me.

The alpha walked up to me, he looked at me and smirked. "When will you turn, I wonder." He said.

I was scared of what he was going to do when I turned back to human. he had said some vile things to me about what he was going to do when I turn, and he also told me he killed his own mate since she did not agree with his decisions. How could someone be as cruel as him? who in their right minds would kill their own mate? I have never heard of a wolf that has killed their own mate before. This man must have so much hatred in him.

I feared him; he was after all the alpha and I was the omega. This pack is the same that attacked my pack when I was 16. They had killed almost everyone in my pack including my father and mother, I somehow escaped and Marceline found me before they could get me. The alpha is not the same, but I did recognize some of the other wolves.

I did not think Marceline could do this to me. I did not think she could abandon me and betray me like this. I thought she cared for me, but I was wrong and now I am stuck here. They will use me and abuse me until my last breath, and I cannot do anything about it. I have no chance of escaping.

He opened the cell door and closed it again with him inside it with me. He kneeled down as I was laying down. He brushed his hands over my fur and then took the fur on the back of my neck which hurt and made me look into his eyes. "You are my bitch now. The witch never loved you, she abounded you because she hates you."

He stroked my fur more. "Such beautiful fur, I am looking forward to when you are human. You must be a beauty" he smirked

I did not want to hear any more; I was disgusted, and I wanted him to take his hands off of me. Please Marceline, please help me. You are my only hope, I need you. please...


I have been out of the castle for the last two days, Layla tried to talk to me but I just needed more time to myself. I have been in my wolf form and I have been going around Marceline's house wondering what she has been doing, but I have not seen her even once. I knew she was in there; I could smell her and feel her magic.

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