We relaxed a little and he pulled the duvet over us, not letting go of me for even a second. "Thank you for taking care of me."  His husky voice rattled through my body.
"Your welcome Harry"

After that I fell asleep and dreamed. Fuck. I dreamed.

*dream state*

Traumatic experience 2
"Mum, I'm here. How are you feeling today?" By this point my mother has had cancer for nearly 4 years. She is the strongest woman I have ever met and she loves me with all her heart. I know that.

"Ok." She looked down at her hands to an envelope and gave it to me. "I need you to look after this, it has all of the details to a private account I set up for you about 5 years ago. I have been putting all of my savings in there for you." A few teas slipped down each of our cheeks.

"Mum. Mum I don't understand, why did you do that?"
"Grace, I'm not going to be here much longer and I need to make sure you have everything you need to have the life you want. I know you want to go to university. Please, use this money for that, whatever you decide you're going to study, work hard. For me?"

I nodded and held her hand as tight as I could.
"I love you so much Grace. You are going to do such wonderful things. Please don't forget me, but also please don't hold on too tight, I'll be with you we're ever you go. Don't worry about that."

"Mam. Your going to be fine.  I love you so so much. I love you. I love you."


Mammm no. No no no no." A stampede of nurses came to my side. They knew it was coming, those nurses had been my rock since my mother was diagnosed.
What they did for me and my mother was way above their Pay grade. But they didn't care.

"Please. Don't leave me yet. I'm not ready."


I woke up crying again. Harry was sat looking at me, concerned.
The sun was already beaming into the room, so at least I got a decent enough sleep.
"Shhh, baby. It's ok. You're ok."
Baby?  What. Never mind.

"It was my mother. She's gone."
"I know. I know. Im so sorry about that. But your alright." He rubbed soothing circles onto my back as I rocked back and forth in between his legs.

In walks the fabulous 4.

"I knew it. I knew they would be in here together!" Louis voice boomed though the room.  When they saw us they changed their appearances immediately.

"Come on. We'll meet you guys downstairs for breakfast in about an hour?" Niall asked. He's the only other one who knows about my nightmares.

Harry nodded at them, and sent Niall a smile, mouthing: "thank you".
He nodded back and walked out with the others.


I had a quick shower and dressed. We were back on the road today so I dressed smart, but also comfy and casual.

A pear of joggers, with a white crop top, and a pair of white trainers with Nike sports socks.
I looked vibey and I loved it. 

All of the boys gave me a kind smile as I sat down with my glass of orange juice and slice of toast.
"Morning. Are you feeling better?" Niall whispered in my ear.
"Yes. That's why I was glad Harry was with me. Please don't think him being in my room means something... like that."

He chuckled and said " don't worry darlin. I know he loves you too much to try anything on with you"


Excuse moi

Loves me?

He has to be joking. 
Not that if it were to be true it would be a bad thing.

But this is Harry styles we're walking about. He's not very likely to fall in love with a broken, doctor in her mid twenties.
I'm no model.

And I'm not even his type.
Am I?
But he sure is mine....

A/N - Aha. That was a long one. Sorry bout that. Oh well. Hope you enjoyed. I know more than just one person is reading this and I would really appreciate  if you guys could comment your opinions for me.

Oh well. I hope you're all safe during COVID. I went back to school on Thursday last week and it is soooo boring. I'm starting my GCSEs. So. Yeh fun Times. Oh well. Au revoir.

One direction- the reunion Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora