Amity seemed to struggle to find her words for a second, then she rolled her eyes. "First things first, the song's a secret." I let out a gasp, placing a hand over my chest. 

"Oh come on Ammy! Tell me! Please?" I put on my best puppy eyes, and for a minute Amity managed to hold off. Then, I could see her start to crack, her ears going down and her cheeks puffing out in an attempt to stay strong.

A couple seconds later, she let out a sigh, shaking her head. "Gods you and your puppy eyes..." She muttered, more to herself rather than me. "Alright fine, I won't explain the song, but I'll explain the effects for the song, sound fair?" I nodded my head. "Since it's a slow song, we're gonna have dimmer, less colorful lights. Probably just gonna be black and white." 

I nodded my head, drumming my fingers against my cheek. "Any specific reason for that besides it being a slow song?" I pried, watching Amity's lips tug up into a small grin. 

"It'll match the tone of the song." She told me, leaning onto the palm of her hand. "And there's gonna be that special effect I asked Em to do, but if I explain it, it'll spoil the song so I won't tell you what it is yet." 

"Fair enough." I said, watching Amity's smile get a little wider. "Alright, then tell me about the outfits! Are they any different from our usual since this would be considered a 'special' show?" I did air quotes around the word special, which made Amity snort. 

"They're different alright..." She trailed off, her gaze moving towards the side as her eyes glossed over slightly. "But, I feel like it'd be a bad idea to explain them now." 

"What?!" I exclaimed, moving a little too harshly and sending a sharp jolt of pain up my side. Sucking in a breath, I scrunched my eyes shut for a moment, waiting for the pain to disappear. Amity gave my hand a comforting squeeze, trying to distract me. Once the pain subsided, I opened my eyes again, being met with a worried witch. "How is that fair?" I asked, my voice slightly strained. 

"Because, the outfits we're gonna be wearing are better seen rather than described." Her voice was softer than before and she squeezed my hand again. "I won't forget to get photos of our outfits, but I will say, I have a feeling you're gonna love 'em." 

"And what makes you think that?" I asked, hoping this would trick Amity into giving me a hint. But, Amity just shrugged, taking her hand out of mine to lay her chin down on her arms. 

"Just a hunch." She told me, making me snort. I placed my hand on the top of her head, hearing a content sigh escape the Blight. "Anything else you wanna know?" 

"The rest of your answers are gonna be vague, aren't they?" I asked her with a chuckle, making her shrug in response. 

"All depends on what you want to know." She mumbled, turning her head to the side. I moved my hand down towards her ear, watching as it quickly pinned itself down. The witch let out another content sigh when I started to lightly scratch behind her ear, the sound slowly turning into her purring. 

A squeal rose up from my throat as Amity leaned into my touch, her ears flapping. "I've said it before, and I'll say it again. You're like a cat." Amity chuckled, her purring getting a little louder when I started to scratch a different spot. 

"I don't get why you find this so entertaining." She said after some time, struggling to suppress her purring to speak. "I've been able to do this forever." Her cheeks were a light red shade, her ears slowly turning the same color.

"Well I for one, didn't know that!" I said. "And two, it's adorable!" Amity only hummed in response, her ears flapping a little faster then before. She let me continue for a few more minutes, then she pulled away, sitting up and popping her back. 

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