Say It Back

132 13 4

Suddenly, my life makes sense for the first time in 17 years. My jigsaw pieces fit together, the puzzle of my life is complete. I don't know if my timing is awful or amazing. He looks confused, he keeps opening and closing his mouth, I made him speechless and it scares me. I'm starting to regret that I told him at all. I pull away from him and hop down, I walk away from him.

You shouldn't have told him Kady.

I get grabbed from behind and I freak out and scream.
"Hey, shh, it's me, you're fine. You're safe" Jace whispers in my ear and I relax but my heart rate doesn't, he lets go of me and I sit on the floor with my head in my hands, concentrating on my breathing before I hyperventilate.
"He grabbed you from behind didn't he?" He says with rage in his tone. I look up at him and nod. He crouches down and hugs me.

He helps me up and we walk over to the big rock, it's his favourite spot here. There's awkwardness in the air, we stay quiet as I fiddle around with my sleeve. He sighs and shuffles around to face me, I look at him and I can't work out the emotion his eyes are showing and it concerns me.
"Did you mean it?" He asks with furrowed eyebrows.
"Mean what?" There's two things that he could mean, both awkward topics.

"That you love me" he states, oh that. My heart begins to race as I look away.
"Don't look away from me" he says frustratingly, I look into his eyes.
"I wouldn't have said it if I didn't mean it" I say with as much confidence as I can.

"Ok" what kind of response is that, now I'm annoyed. 'Ok', I told a guy I love him for the first time in my entire life and all he says is ok? I push my lips together and raise my eyebrows at him. He looks confused and I let out a little chuckle, only I could have this clusterfuck love story.

I watch the waterfall for a few more minutes in silence and then I decide that enough is enough, I stand up and walk away. Jace shouts at me a bunch but I don't respond. As I hop into my car, he appears infront of me.
"Where are you going?" He says frustrated again.
"Home" I say with a bitchy tone as I close the door, he runs to the passenger side, I try to lock the car but he gets there too quick. Fucking footballers.

He hops in as proud as can be until he sees my face, then the smile suddenly disappears.
"Why are you being like this?" He asks and I roll my eyes at him.
"Ok? Really Jace?" I spit out at him.
"Well I'm sorry that I'm not responding how you'd like me to, my girlfriend just near enough was raped because of my best fucking friend and he died because of it" he shouts at me.

"I'm sorry Jace, I didn't want to kill him, I thought he was going to kill me" I get quieter with the last few words that leave my mouth. I ignore the fact that he just called me his girlfriend, now is not the time to melt over that word.
"Stop apologising for his fuck up. He got what he deserved, if you didn't kill him, I would have. No one touches you like that" he spits the last part out as he turns his hands into fists.

I reach over and put my hand over one of his, he lets out a sigh and holds my hand after realising what he was doing.
"Can I stay at yours please? I don't want to go home" I say as he holds my hand tighter.
"You don't have to ask, you're welcome to stay over anytime you want, like literally anytime. If it's 3am, you wake my ass up and hop into my bed" I know that he means all of that because his eyes look genuine and loving.

"Thank you, the same goes for you" I say as I lean in and kiss him, he grabs onto my face and pulls me in closer and deepens the kiss, I instantly melt right into him, I just can't resist him, ever. All of the drama and negativity is no where to be found when his face is on my face.

I pull away when my face starts to hurt, we're both breathing heavy, but we're happy. I can get through life with this guy. I start the car and begin to drive away and then I realise that his car is still there, he says it's fine, he will get it tomorrow. I park in his driveway, seeing my house triggered me a lot. We head upstairs and I flick through Netflix as he showers, I think I managed to read 5 descriptions and watch 3 trailers before he's done. While he was showering I changed into one of his shirts and took my shorts off.

The bathroom door flies open, the way the bathroom light backlights him as he walks into his dark bedroom makes him look like a damn angel. His wet abs and wet hair, with a towel around his waist makes me swoon to an embarrassing extent. I just sit there admiring this stunning human. Before I know it, he turns away from me and drops his towel.

That's a butt. He quickly puts on some boxers and throws on some grey sweatpants. We like comfort more than the average person. He runs up to me and tackles me onto my back, he's hovering above me, I sort his hair out while he watches me intensely, it makes me nervous after about 30 seconds so I stop and look into his eyes.

"I love you" he says as casually as you can while hovering over someone. My heart skips too many beats and my face turns red, I smile too much and so does he.

"I love you too"

The Hooded Beautyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें