- "I thought we had already solved that with one of the workers here." The man says, placing the envelope inside the pocket of his blazer.

"He got caught, and now we can't even find anyone else because security has become pretty tight." Matthew explains, and then leans forward to pick up his glass and takes a swig.

The man stares at him for a moment, then takes out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and pulls one out, lights it and puts it between his lips before he draws a long breath and exhales as he stares thoughtfully, he follows,

- "So you're saying we forget about this place?"

"Quite so." Matthew confirms, putting down his glass, he gets up and adjusts his suit.

"Now if you excuse me. I have to go, I have other things to attend to." Matthew says, and the man nods to him with understanding.

Matthew gets out of their private booth and heads toward the stairs and down to the first floor.

He walks towards the main door and on his way to it, as he passes between the people and by the bar, he spots Jisoo sitting at it.

He stops in surprise looking at her from afar, she was alone, quietly raising her glass, sipping, and lowering it, she looks like she's in another world.

He turns towards her and walks to her until he approaches and takes a seat on the stool next to her.

"Jisoo?" He wonders, drawing her attention as she turns to him and furrows.

- "Oh.. Matthew.. what are you doing here?" She asks in an amused tone.

Before he answers, he studies her a little; The redness was invading the borderlines of her eyes and cheeks, as well as her heart shaped lips, which were very red and glossy. She didn't look drunk, but she wasn't quite sober either.

"I was upstairs with some friends..what are you doing here alone?" Matthew asks with a subtle smile and calm tone.

- "uh, don't mind me, let me invite you for a drink." she offers, pointing at him with her index in a random path.

Matthew smiles at her cuteness, and nods to her.

Maybe he can stay for a few more minutes.






"Woah! What time is it now?" Lisa asks as she stretches her arms and yawns.

-"Ten thirty." Jennie answers, after checking her phone.

"Oh, I can't believe it's finally the weekend!" Chaeyoung gushes and breathes out in relief.

- "Finally." Lisa exclaims excitedly.

Jennie laughs quietly at their antics and looks ahead. They were walking on the sidewalk on which the apartment hotel is located, and while they were thus, a car passes beside them and stops far from them in front of the building.

Seconds, and the car front doors open, a man climbs down the driver's seat and from the other seat a girl climbs down too and walks towards the building, she was stumbling in her walk a little.

The girls stop in their tracks looking at them with astonishment.

"Isn't that Jisoo?" Lisa asks, very confused.

- "Yes, it's her, and that's Matthew who's with her." Chaeyoung remarks.

"Were they on a date? She looks drunk." Lisa wonders, and then turns to Jennie, who was standing still, watching and frowning in anger.

Keep You Close 2 || JENSOO Where stories live. Discover now