Chapter 33

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My teeth sunk into another black wolf's throat draining the life from his eyes. Looking around I saw with satisfaction that we were keeping the twisted wolves at bay. Chance was leading another group of wolves slowly creating a wedge in my father's forces. I felt another wolf throw himself on me knocking me off my feet. Whipping around I picked him up and threw him across the battlefield with a telekinetic burst. A few other wolves were taken out as he came crashing down.

Howls echoed across the field both of mourning and of challenge. I was already aware we had suffered heavy losses. But so have they. I thought to myself throwing myself back in battle. My forelegs came crashing down on another wolf killing him instantly. I briefly passed Jax and saw with satisfaction him impale another wolf with a burst of ice.

Both Derek and Artemis fought claw to claw matching their movements taking scores of wolves out. I scanned the perimeter and watched as more black wolves flooded into the clearing.

We will lose this war if they keep coming like this, Alpha. We can only last so long! Blaze yelled through the mind link.

I know! I know! I snapped back looking for my father.

Finally I found him standing at the edge of the forest watching the battle with hateful eyes.

Coward! I screamed at him lunging in his direction. He turned to look at me with a twisted smile. Before I made it toward him another black wolf jumped at me. A long scar ran from shoulder to hind leg.

Hello sister. This was the brother that was born out of hatred. Taking no time I lunged at him trying to catch his neck in my jaws but he dogged. His body twisted in the air and his jaws came down hard on my shoulder. Pain spasmed through my leg as I tried to get out. Another wolf came into view red fur flashing. Before he reached my brother, however, my brother caught his neck in his mouth and crushed it.

NO! I yelled in the mind link. I watched as life left Blaze's eyes and felt the link peter out. My anger and grief took over. Launching myself at my brother I clawed at every part of his body. Fur ripped out claw fulls and blood began to seep out of his skin. My jaws connected with his foreleg and snapped it with a satisfying CRACK! He howled in pain but nothing could stop my rage. He writhed under me trying to find a way to escape. There was none.

I took my front claw and tore open his side from neck to tail and left him whimpering in the dust. My eyes then set on my father.

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