Chapter 1: Deja Vu

Start from the beginning

But she was determined to get married as soon as possible. So here we all were, Fish Lake nowhere Utah, far up in the mountains surrounded by beautiful woods and aspen trees as far as the eye could see. The closest even small town with a baby grocery store and mini bar was forty minutes away.  But Catherine is my best friend, so here I am. Bridesmaid in the middle of nowhere because that's where Blake grew up and wanted the wedding at his home.

And apparently that's pretty rare. He says that not many outsiders are allowed on the property. It's family property and a secretive community that no one really has seen as there are scary towering guards at every gated entrance. But Blake was a somebody at the community and so special permission was granted.

Sounds like a cult to me.

And that is what Catherine wanted to marry into?

I sighed and took my place at the back with a tall good looking groomsman to begin to practice the processional for the wedding tomorrow.

Catherine will be moving out, so I'll have to go some place else. Our lease is up at the end of the month and I know Rick is thinking I'll move in with him, but I'm worried that my resolve to wait until marriage will break if we live in the same place. And I'm not ready for that. It's going to be hard enough sharing a room with him here. Apparently, they only have so many extra suites in this behemoth of a ski lodge that people need to share where possible. Blake didn't think anything of it when he assigned us together. I guess waiting until marriage was only a me thing.

The rehearsal dinner was lovely and everything went in order. It would be a beautiful ceremony tomorrow.

When everything was set, the maid of honor, Catherine's sister, grabbed her hand and ushered her over to the rest of us three bridesmaids.

"Bachelorette party!"

We chuckled.

Her sister smiled and brought out her phone. "Okay, so google shows some silly cowboy bar in some Podunk town is the closest. We're getting our drink on girls!"

Another bridesmaid friend from Catherine's high school spoke up, "but uber isn't around here. Are we letting someone go with us for chaperone?"

Catherine's sister grinned. "Oh, no. Caroline is our designated driver. She doesn't drink. Right?" Her eyes hooked on me.

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm not a drinker."

Catherine gave me a sorry smile.

The third bridesmaid boomed, "well then let's get this party started!"

The girls laughed like they were already drunk.

I cut in. "Hey do you mind if I go change? I need to hit the bathroom first."

Her sister complained. "Aww! No, just change at the bar."

"Oh come on, it's thirty minutes away. I want out of these heels."

"Fine," she looked childishly away and then caught her husband's eye. "Honey! Give us a ride to town?"

He came over and wrapped an arm around her. "Sure thing babe. You all going?"

Catherine eyed me softly. "Hey Caroline? Is it okay if we go with Brandon? Then you won't have to hurry and you can just meet us there? You're not drinking anyway."

"Oh," I was taken back at being excluded already. "Oh yeah. Sure. Go on. Have fun and I'll be right there."

"Great!" She exclaimed. "We'll text you directions! See ya Carol!"

And suddenly they were all wandering toward the cars.



Rick came up and touched an arm at my back. "Have they already left?"

I nodded, watching their disappearing frames, quite nearly upset.

"We'll let's head up to our room, and you can follow them."

I shook my head to clear it. "Right. Let's go."

The older receptionist at the front gave us a key and told us how to get to where the room was. Rick had to ask her to repeat herself because of the noise of the many people coming in and out of the lobby. But I was focused on the corridor directly behind her. Her desk was blocking a hallway lined with doors and tapestries. And my eyes were fixated on the fifth tapestry. It was the exact same as the others. A heavy cotton weave in burgundy with golden yellow designs stitched in. But for some reason I knew that that curtain held a hidden door that led downstairs. Or, I thought I knew. How could I?

"Come along darling." Rick grabbed my hand and began ushering me to the elevator.

We got to our room and placed our things down. I stared at the one queen sized bed and almost groaned. I didn't want to share with Rick and looked to the small table and armchairs. Was there a way I could sleep in the armchair and not offend Rick? Probably not.

He turned on the tv to some sports channel and I took a minute to change into more comfortable clothes and get ready for the so called bachelorette party drinking binge.

I looked up to Rick as I tied my shoes. "I'll be home late. Don't wait up."

"Sure darling," he spoke to the tv.

"Bye Rick." I gave him a peck on the lips, grabbed my purse and went down to the front.

Deja Vu:  The HealerWhere stories live. Discover now