"Good morning, sunshine." JJ said when he heard Emerson shuffling. "You know what happened between those two?"

"Yeah, do you?" Emerson asked. JJ shook his head, no. "Pope confessed his love for Kie, and Kie shut him down." Emerson said, rubbing her eyes. Her back cracked a ton after sleeping on the uncomfortable bench seats all night. 

"Ouch. That one must've hurt." JJ placed his hand on his heart. Emerson smacked his head, as they went outside to follow Kie and Pope. 

Right when they stepped foot outside, Pope was already on his way to get gas for the Phantom. The three of them were quiet, until the sound of a helicopter interrupted the silence. 

"Who is that?"


"This is not good." 


Emerson decided to go talk with the police behind the Pogues' back. She needed to tell them everything about the truth.

When she walked towards the lighthouse, she saw a bunch of tents. She knew they were for John B, and she couldn't help but worry for him. 

"Em?" a voice startled her. 

"Sarah, fuck." Emerson said as she ran to Sarah and wrapped her arms around her. "Is he okay?"

"Yeah, he's at one of Rose's listings, right now. What are you doing here?" Sarah asked. "I came to tell the truth." Emerson said, and Sarah nodded to show her that she came to do the same. 

As they walked together towards the tent, they both felt a feeling drop in their stomachs. There were many police, and the amount of people trying to catch John B shocked the two girls.

As they walked towards one of the tents, they were stopped and told they couldn't be there by an armed man. 

"No, just let us talk to someone in charge." Emerson said, trying to shove her way past the man. The man didn't allow it, as he tried to drag the two girls to a different tent.

"Just let us talk to someone in charge."

"He's not dangerous. You're after the wrong guy."

The two girls tried to argue, until Emerson spotted a SBI officer. "Excuse me! SBI guy!" she yelled, trying to catch his attention. Thankfully, it worked. 

"Hi, we're Emerson Kennedy and Sarah Cameron. We were on the tarmac with Sheriff Peterkin. We know what happened. We were there!" Emerson tried to shout. The guy holding her and Sarah back was making it difficult for her to speak. 

"Please, we just want to talk!  Please!" Sarah shouted and luckily, the SBI officer came towards them. 

"How can I help you, ladies?" the SBI officer asked. Before they could say a word, they heard a voice that sent chills up their spines. 

"There you two are!" Ward shouted, catching the girls' attention. "I've been looking everywhere for you." he said, running up to them. 

"No, get away from me! You murderer!" Emerson screamed at Ward as he approached them. The SBI officer looked at her, confused.

"Look hear me out, officer! John B didn't shoot Peterkin. It was fucking Rafe! That son of a bitch! Peterkin was like my second mom and he killed her!" Emerson sobbed. 

"Everything she's saying is true! Don't listen to my dad, he's trying to get away with murder himself too!" Sarah screamed, while Ward was trying to drag them away. 

"Get your hands off me!" the two girls pushed Ward away. He looked at them, shocked.

"How long have you been lying to us? Who are you?" Sarah cried, side hugging Emerson.

CONTINUANCE - John B RoutledgeWhere stories live. Discover now