As the waiter left, Kiyoko broke the silence and said, "So tell me, what's with you and that captain."

"Um, Kiyoko san are you okay," Y/N asked, "you normally aren't this chatty, even with me."

"Don't avoid my question Y/N chan," Kiyoko exclaimed, " now tell me, what's with you and that captain."

"Um Kiyoko, you know that we've never talked right," Y/N started.

"Nope, I saw how you and him were staring at each other," Kiyoko told, "you probably thought he was hot didn't you."

"Fine I do," Y/N admitted, "but he probably thinks that I'm weird."

"Bet, if he thinks you're weird he won't talk to you," Kiyoko said as she started to eat, "but if he does talk to you he's interested."

"I bet you 20 dollars that he doesn't like me that way," Y/N said confidently.

"Okay then, let's see if he talks to you or not." Kiyoko said equally confident.

Y/N and Kiyoko then just ate and talked about other matters like the group.  They finally finished and left the restaurant to go around some more.  They looked at different places and walked around to check out more shops before they went back.

"I feel bad after spending this much money on myself today," Y/N said looking sort of disappointed, "I want to get something for the guys too."

"Same, do you want to get something for the guys to drink?" Kiyoko asked.

"Yeah, I want to get something for the Nekoma boys as well." Y/N said, "they must be tired."

"Let's get them cold water," Kiyoko said, "it's cheap and they'll be really hot, so that'll cool them down."

"Kay then, let's get them that when we get back to Nerima's Ward." Y/N said looking contented.

After they decided what to get for the tired volleyball players, both managers headed back Nerima's Ward by train.  They got off after 30 minutes and headed to a convenience store for some cold water.  They arrived at their final destination with the water and walked into the gym.  The teams were done with all the matches and Nekoma had won.

"Hey guys, we got you cold water," Y/N shouted, "there's also enough for the Nekoma players as well!"

"Please come over and get a bottle!" Kiyoko shouted after Y/N.

Every player, even the coaches looked over to the two managers.

"Thank you Kiyoko san!" both Nishinoya and Tanaka exclaimed as they ran over to Kiyoko's direction.

"You know that Y/N chan also bought this with me too right." Kiyoko mentioned.

Tanaka then said, "Yes, but I like you more Kiyoko san."

Y/N giggled as everyone else walked over to get a bottle.  Kuroo blushed as he looked in Y/N's direction, he thought that she looked really cute in her current outfit.

"Okay so since she's into bad boys, don't mention any of your jokes or pick up lines," Yaku said as he tutored Kuroo, "and don't mention your anime addiction either."

"But I don't have any waifus so why should I." Kuroo said sadly.

"Like I just said, she's into bad boys and not nerdy ones like yourself, tell her that you just started volleyball a year ago to make you look talented" Yaku said, "and mention that you are in class 1 - 3 and not 1 - 5 because bad boys are in lower classes, got it."

"Yes Demon senpai." Kuroo said jokingly.

"Don't call me that and go get her Kuroo san." Yaku said while pushing Kuroo away, "oh and talk to her after all the bottles are passed out."

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