Chapter 2- Dwarfs in Rivendell

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I walked down the hall and passed an entryway to the garden. I stopped and turned around realizing something. Then I walked deep into the garden where a small pond with fish swimming in it. Next to the pond there was a bench and in front of the bench was one of the most beautiful Elf’s Rivendell has. She was sitting on the ground wearing a long elegant teal dress with a gold belt and a gold cape.


She had long dark brown hair that went down to her lower back. Her bangs hung in front of her face hiding her gorgeous light blue eyes that change to silver. She had a silver head circlet around her head. She was looking down at a book, reading when I walked up to her and bowed then spoke in Elvish.


"Milady Lunaria, I have a letter for you."


"Oh! Thank you, Lindir." She responded in Elfish with a smile on her face as she lifted her head.  I handed her the letter with a smile back.


“You’re welcome, Milady.” I said with a bow then turned around and walked away.


“Lindir?” She said. I turned around and walked back over to her. She put the letter in the book and closed it.


“Yes, Milady?” I asked as she stood up. She walked away from me as I waited for a response. Then I started following after her.


“Has my father returned yet?” She asked as I walked up next to her side.


“Not yet. But he shall return sometime soon.” I said. She looked forward and as we walked in silence. I looked at her with a small smile on my face as it grew softer.


“What is it?” She said as she looked at me then I looked away after making eye contact for a second.


“It’s nothing. I was just thinking about the time when we almost lost you.” I said with a bit of sadness in my eyes.


“When was tha-” She said confused but then realised what I meant.


“Oh the time when the Wargs showed up.” She said as she placed her hand to her chest.


“I often wonder what would have happened if I wouldn’t have found you in time?” I said as I remembered her scared face.


“I try not to think about it though.” I said and she nodded.


We walked further in silence then she stopped suddenly. She looked around as if she was trying to hear something. I stopped ahead of her and turned around to look at her. She closed her eyes with a curious look on her face.


“Everything alright, Milady?” I asked.


“Someones here.” She said.


“Who? It can not be Lord Elrond he would have the horn sound to tell us.” I asked and she opened her eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2016 ⏰

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