Part 1

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Italics- nogitsune's whispering

Month One


Lydia's eyes fluttered open to the bright sun seeping through the windows on the left side of the room and she hated it. Nighttime was her favorite scenery.

"Good morning," Oliver whispered into her ear and she flipped over. His arm was wrapped around her waist and he pulled her in for a kiss. "Hi," her voice cracked as she stroked his cheek. He adjusted his head on the pillow and she broke a smile.

"Why'd you get the dragon tattoo removed?" she asked curiously, rubbing his shoulder blade where it was. "Letting go of my past," he explained. "But that's what makes you, you. Like this one," she grazed the Bratva tattoo and he chuckled. "I have to go," he whispered, "on a run."

Oliver kissed her and he pulled himself out of bed. "Please don't go," she whined, stretching her arms towards him. He smiled at her as he put on sweatpants and a green hoodie. "I'll be back," he said, kissing her forehead. He glanced back at her before he left the room.

Lydia stayed on the bed for a while until she heard the front door close. Her smile faded and she lifted herself and stumbled into the bathroom. When she looked in the mirror, she nearly gagged.

"I look like I'm dying," she whispered, seeing the dark, almost red circles under her eyes. Her face was paler than usual and her lips were dry as if she'd just come out of the hospital. "Nothing a little makeup can't do," she exhaled.

When she was done, she ran her fingers through her hair and was satisfied with her vibrant look. Lydia checked her phone and looked at the moon cycle. A full moon was occurring that night and she needed her acolyte to get ready.

Lydia scrolled down her contacts and clicked Thea's phone number and waited for it to ring. "Hello," Thea's voice spoke and Lydia knew she had a smirk on her face. "You have a job to do," she said. "I know." "Also, don't forget to hide the black circles," she added before hanging up.

She went into the kitchen of the house she bought and began to make breakfast. Lydia cracked a couple of eggs, added seasoning, and made scrambled eggs. She mixed the batter and began to flip pancakes and set them on plates. "I didn't know Rhys could cook," she muttered, remembering his life.

The front door opened as she began to cut the fruits on a chopping board and saw Oliver come in. "How was the run?" she asked, popping a strawberry in her mouth. "Refreshing." His arms wrapped around her waist and he kissed her neck.

"Stab him."

Lydia set down the knife and turned around, kissing him back. "Breakfast is ready," she told him. "Looks great," he smiled. He grabbed their plates and set them on the table and they began to eat.


Thea, Laurel, and Diggle had just returned from the field to see Felicity on the chair in their new lair. They stepped up on the green-lit centerpiece and everyone stayed quiet as she set down her bow.

"They shouldn't have gotten away," Diggle muttered, crossing his arms. "But they did," Laurel said. "It's all my fault," Thea spoke up. "I could've shot the truck but they tackled me." "It's okay," Diggle nodded at her. "No, it's not!" Laurel shouted. "Now that Oliver is gone, the city thinks they can do whatever they want. We should bring him back." "No. We don't need him. Oliver and Lydia are living their best lives," Diggle said and Laurel grew frustrated.

The two began to bicker and Thea glanced at Felicity who was watching them. The elevated strife in the air brought joy to Thea but she needed a way to sneak out to go do her job.

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