~Back To School :

Start from the beginning

RJ smacked his teeth, "An ass whooping before bed every night. Now, it's over, but I still have to be the damn maid." He explained shaking his head. 

His cousin laughed, "Damn ! " 

"Glad you find this funny." Note the sarcasm, "And what about you ? What you got ? " He questioned him as they were going towards the main office to take their schedule. 

Dorian shrugged, "Nothing." He answered nonchalantly. 

RJ frowned, "That's unfair ! " Then his face softened, "Are they still arguing ? " He asked concerned. Auntie Suz and uncle Jerome weren't on good terms lately. Nobody really knew what was going on between them, but they weren't behaving like before. Like when they really seem to be in love. They couldn't go a day without yelling at each other. Sometimes, you could think that they were really about to fight physically. Dorian thought that it was just a phase, but now it was slowly starting worrying him. He didn't want all of this to end with a divorce. 

He nodded his head, "Yeah...they could't agree on how they should punish me for having sneaked out the house and all the shit I did."

"Damn, I hope it'll get better." He said patting his shoulder. Dorian and RJ grew up together since they were little babies. They considered themselves as brothers. They were best friends and had no secrets for each other. They knew exactly everything about the other. 

Once they had their schedule, they checked to see if they had classes together. They groaned when they saw that they had Mrs. Piggs in Biology and Mr. Leroy in PE. These two teachers hated them for some unknown reason. Since day one, they were so annoying and even gave several times the motivation to the boys to quit school, but of course they stayed. First, their parents would've not allowed them to not finish high school and second, they wanted to go far in life.

"Man, I can't do this no more. Gotta see the dean to change that shit. No way I have this witch this year." Dorian said frowning.

RJ couldn't agree more, "We'll go to his office tomorrow, since he's always too busy on the first day."

Dorian nodded his head, "Definitely."


"Why are y'all here ? " Richard asked his teammates as he was coming towards them. They were sitting on the bleachers, doing nothing at all. This morning they had to work on their physical condition with the coach, who was still not there. But normally, they would already be on the fields running.

Nobody answered him, since they were all too focused on something. He frowned and followed where they were looking at. His eyes were now on the field, where the cheerleaders were practicing. It seemed like they were recruiting new dancers. 

He shook his head ashamed for all the married ones. They had beautiful wives and they were here lusting on some random girls, who were like ten years younger than them for the most.

"Y'all can't be serious right now ! Stop that ! " He yelled at them getting them out of their trance.

"What is your problem ?! Let us enjoy the view, damn ! You should too by the way." Francis said angrily. 

"Did you just not propose to your longtime girlfriend, like about a week ago ? Huh ? And you Chris ? You have a wife and a kid ! And it's the same thing for the others. Wait until your women find out." He warned being serious, "You damn know they're not playing about this. But keep playing. Keep, keep. I'm gonna go on the other side to practice. If someone wants to join, he's welcomed." 

Douglas sighed getting frustrated, "Shut up ! Damn ! We're coming." He said raising his voice and also standing up. 

Richard raised his eyebrow, "Someone peed in your cereals this morning ? " 

"NO ! " And with that said Doug walked away. The footballers shared looks wondering what was wrong with their teammate. Usually, he was happier than that and rarely mad. 

"HEY RICHIE ! " A female voice screamed, but Richard didn't know who it belonged to. Though, it sounded a little bit familiar. He turned around and there was this woman with long blond hair and a body with some serious curves waving at him. Since she was wearing a short short and a tank, you could see her large hips, that were letting you know that she surely had a big butt, and her boobs were well apparent. 

"Yooooo ! Who is this ? " Q asked completely amazed. He could feel his friend down there getting excited. 

Richard shook his head, "I...I don't know." He answered simply. Though by looking at her more carefully, her face seemed familiar. But why ? 

Now she had finally joined him, "Hey ! The cat got your tongue, baby ? " She asked catching her breath since she had ran to him. 

Richard narrowed his eyes at her, "Uh...Who are you again ? " 

She chuckled and hit his arm playfully, "C'mon ! You're too funny. He must be the hair and maybe my two new friends too." She said motioning her chest, "It's me...Jessie ! " She hugged him taking him by surprise, "I'm so happy to see you ! It's been awhile ! We need to catch up. Are you free after your practice ? " 

Jessies, Jessie, Jessie. He repeated the name in his mind until it came back. Jessie ! During the six years of separation with Tina, it did happen a little something. Actually, his friends dragged him in a  strip club one night and next thing he knows he was spending the night with Jessie aka Fantasy. The night went by so fast, all the events happened one after the other. He couldn't tell you what he did in details. In fact, since today, he didn't know if they had slept together. But they did wake up in the same bed in the morning in a hotel room. Richard had a headache and was almost naked. Jessie also, but he didn't know if it was because they tried to dress back after sex and fell asleep all of sudden or if they were about to do it, but fall asleep before the action take place in the bed or whenever they were at. After that, he had never seen her again.

So why was she standing before him right now ? As he was remembering that wild night, one strong word appeared suddenly in his head. Something was stinking in the air. He could smell these problems, that drama and he didn't like it. 

"Shit ! "

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A/N: The updates will be slow, since my focus for now is my other story Why Not ? But I'll try to update another chapter soon.

Thanks for reading ! 

Ciss¥ItsM€ 💋✌

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