Chapter 17- Acceptation brings a lot of emotion

Start from the beginning

But once outside, she was caught by a shocked and suspicious looking Secong in command Rawte.

"Why you were inside?"

"I thought you headed for the night." She could swear he had left. He fixed his jaw.

"I asked you something."

"I just placed my report on her desk." She rolled eyes and took a step to move, "She is always strangling my neck about that."

He didn't seem to buy it, "You could have given tomorrow."

"Surprise!" She answered sarcastically. He continued to look at her, obviously not buying, but also trying to understand the motive.

"You can check inside if you want." She motioned her hand to the Director's cabin. She could have gone for defensive and angry, but that would have added to his suspicion. He exhaled breath slowly, shaking off the scepticism, and she sighed internally in relief.

"Unlike you, I have the sense of privacy." He answered sternly, "Heading out?"

She thought about the chip in CCTV room, "Ladies room first."

He bid good night and headed out, and she ran for CCTV, thankfully the guard was still asleep. She tiptoed in the room, took the chip and CCTV started again. As she walked toward parking lot she chuckled to herself, why no CCTV in CCTV room? But then, it would have made her job harder.

Even if the existence is RAW is questionable, due to the scarcity of evidence and no mention in Constitution, every National Law enforcement agency and high level IPS officers has access to it's database. RAW's database contains details of thousands of criminals, people who are suspected of dangerous crimes but never got punished for lack of evidence, people who are potentially capable of doing more damage than they already did, people who has ties to bigger fishes both inside and outside of Country. There are seperate IDs and passwords for every person who have access to it, and one can only access to the database with an one-of-a-kind Network driver. The existence of the driver is strictly confidential, and even if someone tried to use it illegally, the smart security features of RAW database will lock down the driver and track the IP address if they find no match of the location registered in their records, making way for Central jail and at least 20 years of Jail time.

Moral of the story, even if one got hold of the driver, they have to be very careful while using it.

Of course, ACP Mukherjee didn't know all these. But she had the idea that she should not use it herself and without a secure location where none can track her. It was a miracle she even got it, because none will be stupid enough to leave it lying around, and she only got it because Director left the office in a hurry due to a family emergency. So, she didn't immediately jump on it the moment she was inside her apartment, but called someone who knew what to use it properly without the IP address traced back to her.


"What you have gotten for me tonight? Interpol? Mossad? Ooh I know," the man waved his fingers in excitement, "FBI?"

"Your fingers are always itching to hack are not they?" ACP Mukherjee handed over the driver as soon as she stood in front of the man, who snatched it and turned his chair toward his laptop, already on work.

"What can I say, Internet is addictive." He answered excitedly.

"You mean Hacking." She replied, eyeing around. Being a Hygiene freak, it pained her everytime to come to this Man's dungeon and see the dirty messy room, but she had no choice. This guy never come out, even if someone pay him double.

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