Chapter 43- It doesn't really matter

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It doesn't really matter

Rahane along with ETF officers stood in the conference room, the table full of pictures and papers which included entire history of Riya the moment she stepped into Mumbai.

Arjun entered and was hit by the giant photos of Riya and Neel from a different time, and felt sick. When he looked up, everyone had that same expression on their faces.

How things went south . . .

There was an older man who stood near Rahane, who was talking to the agent and was in charge of the snipers. He was John, Rahane quickly introduced and moved on as the former started speaking.

"We got some locations, but you guys can speak better what might be the possible location." ETF officers turned to Aisha who stood with arms crossed over chest. She nodded, and John started writing on the white board.

"Googly cyber cafe- Neel's place for rendezvous, Baker towers- ACP's apartment, Starling heights- Neel's rented place, Cafe Latte- where they had frequently visited, some other locations." John wrote down some places where they individually had went- Neel's friends, places Riya went, her IPS batchmates who are still in the city.

"If we start with IPS batch mate there will be a bunch." Aisha rubbed temple, looking at the board as she felt headache upcoming, "She did not socialize much, but I am guessing she kept touch for the . . ." She gestured.

"Informers." Chotu finished for her, earning a nod.

"From what we know from Neel, his friends will be a small size. It needs to be someone so close, so trusting that he will go there." Sameer said.

"I looked at that side." Turning to John, Rahane took his marker and cut out the words, "There are no friends."

"So we can cut out the apartments too." Shree said, and Rahane cut off the two names. "They would know those were the obvious locations we might be looking at."

"Now we are left with Googly, Cafe Latte, and IPS batchmates." John spoke up.

"You can cross off Latte. It's not a place for hide out, there is no hotels or any place to live. It's a commercial place filled with malls and shops." Aisha said, "Now Googly. It's a secluded location. I am not sure, I have been there once I guess."

"IPS batchmates?" Rahane demanded.

"I will pull up and list and personally contact each of them." She nodded at Shree who nodded back, immediately pulling a list of officers who were with Riya and Aisha during their IPS training time.

"Something is amiss." Sameer stared at the board then turned to his team, "I get the logic behind IPS batch mates, Riya might have called and asked for favor. But it's too risky. Googly, I think we need to check the area before making a judgment."

"I get you." John looked at Rahane,"Nothing screams here as a place to hide."

"We missed one location." Arjun, who was silent all this time, walked towards the board. Taking the market from John, he wrote two words.

"Ravi Lodge?" Chotu frowned, "Where have I seen that before?"

"She lived there." Aisha nodded at Arjun's words, exhaling sharply. This was probably the obvious location and yet none had mentioned it.

"What is this place? We did not find anything on that." John asked in confusion.

"You might have found a blank space post her resignation and entering ETF." The former nodded in understanding and Arjun wasted to time to explain further, "I have a hunch they might be there."

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