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A/N: Sorry for the delay, school had me swamped, but I'm honestly so over the school workload at this point. Here you go, I'll try to actually update the other stories today, hopefully my Mom leaves me alone long enough for me to get anything done.


We got on Shiro's nerves for a couple hours, then he pestered me to take him for ice cream. I let him do this for about 30 minutes and then glanced at the clock. 7:50. His brother would be there already and the station was about 5 minutes away.

"Go get dressed." I said.

"Yes! Ice cream!" He cheered.

I watched him skip up the stairs happily and laughed under my breath, he was in for a rude awakening.

Halfway to the station, he shrunk down into the seat and glared at me like I'd burned his library to ashes. Once we parked at the pick up area, I had to fight to get him to sit up in the seat. I resorted to pulling him up by his arms. He struggled and flailed around like a fish out of water.

"Nooooo!! You were supposed to forget about him!!!" He whined.

I finally got him up and he hissed at me, "I refuse to be in the same vicinity as Jali!"

"Hey, Jace."

"Damn it!" Jace growled.

I sighed and glanced out the window. Outside was a boy about a couple inches taller than Jace, with the same black hair and green eyes. Only, Jace had a golden brown eye.

"His is silver, he's got contacts." Jace mumbled, shrinking back down into his seat.

I got out and helped him put his stuff in the car.


"Jali." He said, slowly. "Hey, Jace. Do-"

"I'm well aware. Go away. Burn in hell! Something! Anything!"

"You're so friendly." Jali muttered.

"He's been like this since we got in the car." I sighed.

Jali laughed, "I figured. He's not too fond of me at the moment."

"Never have been, never will be! I chose not to associate with bitches like you."

"I'm your twin."

"As long as I don't call you a bastard, I'm not insulting myself."

I just drove off.


"Yes, Jace?" I asked, calmly.

"You tricked me. You have to make it up to me."

"You want ice cream, I take it."

"That's the only reason I got in the damn car." He huffed.

"Alright, we'll get the ice cream. If you can stop whining for an hour."

"Twenty minutes."


"30 take it or I'm going to scream rape at the top of my lungs."

"30 it is." I sighed.

We got to the park with the ice stand and Jace went to sit down. I glanced at Jaliyn.

"You want some?"

"Cookies and Cream and Cotton Candy."

"Which color?"

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