Chapter Seven: Huge Discussions

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to Kion

Kion continues to practice his roar, then Anga flies down, "Kion, we need you, Ajax is back" then she flies away.
"alright Askari, I got to defend my lands". Kion said. Askari disappears into the clouds then Kion runs down the rocks to join the battle

Back at the battle field.

Ezekiel continues to fight Ajax, then Beshte pushes a rock up the hill. Surak and Baliyo watches the lion chases, rani is being chased by two lions then Rawr noticed that this was just a distraction and separates himself and starts to head for Ajax,
"alright Baliyo, lets get him, When Rawr is about to attack Ezekiel, Surak and Baliyo pounces on him. Rawr saw that Beshte has pushed a rock down the hill, "Father, watch out." Rawr said.
 Ajax looked around and saw a huge boulder rolling towards him. Ajax roars at the boulder breaking it into peaces, then he roars at Beshte but before his roar hits Beshte. A shield formed in front of Beshte protecting him from Ajax's roar, the shield cracks a little from the roar, Ajax saw the Beshte was still up their.
"how is that that possible?" Ajax asked himself.
"By me" Kion walks up by Ezekiel,. "Ajax, leave this lands now."
"Come on Kion, I am pretty sure every time you said that, it never worked." Ajax roars at Kion, but Kion roars moving the shield in front of him blocking Ajax's roar, the shield cracks once again
Ajax looks at the shield as it repairs it self. "impressive Kion, you've found a counter to my roar but will it last." Ajax roars at the shield once more and it cracks Ajax stops for a bit then he roars again before the shield can fully repair it self.
"Ezekiel, be prepared" Kion told Ezekiel, Ezekiel gets into a defensive stunt, the shield is almost fully broke, Ajax stops once more to get a breath and roars once more, the shield breaks, Ezekiel absorbs the roar and the Kion roars at Ezekiel as he absorbs Kion's roar, the Ezekiel pushes the roar back at Ajax, but Ajax dodges the roar
"Ezekiel, you really think that I would get fooled by that the second time" Ajax asked,
"Maybe but you won't be fooled by this," Kion roars summoning lightning almost hitting Ajax. "Now leave my lands now,
"Alright Kion, I will but just this once, lions with me." Ajax and his group leaves the tree of Life.

Rani and the others walk up out of breath, Beshte runs up to Kion.
"Kion how did you do that?" Beshte asked
"I practiced Beshte but it's not fully protect by the roar so we always need a back up plan for a roar.

To Ajax

Ajax continues to run until he is far enough, "father what was the thing that protected the hippo?" Rawr asked
"It's something that Kion can do but I can't, not yet," Ajax roars trying to form a shield just like Kion's but failed, a little change in the air happened but quickly disappeared. "I'll figure this out, go be with your mother

Back to the Tree of Life

Rani noticed that Kion is tired, "Kion, take a break, I'll take thing from here." Rani ordered, Kion nodded his head and went to the tree to rest. Rani checked to see if everyone was okay, no injuries this time. Nirmala keeps on eye on Ono, Ullu and Azaad, Azaad tries to get up,
"Azaad stay down, you can't be walking around right now, I will let you walk tomorrow." Nirmala said, "But I need to walk around, I have never sat still for this long" Azaad complained.
"I know Azaad but you can't just walk with that leg right now, let it heal." Nirmala said
Shortly after Kion walks in, "oh Kion, how did the fight go?" Nirmala asked,
"It went well Nirmala, but I am going to rest now." Kion jumps up into the rock and falls asleep.

Back to Rani

Rani walked over to the lake to see the sun setting. the sun was reflecting off the water before it went over the horizon.

Lion Guard, Mystery of the roarWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu