New feelings

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Harry was back to the dorm and currently laying on his bed, he was thinking about the events from earlier, he couldn't take the image out of his brain...
And the bigger question was, why was Malfoy moaning his name ?

"What was that ? Why did I even stay there and watch? Why would he call my name? Why do I think he is beautiful? Why did I get hard ?why am I thinking about him? What will he think about me If he knew what I did ? Did he knew I was there? That's not possible is it? I had my invisibility cloak on, he can't possibly see me, It's impossible for human to see through the invisibility coat, only cats can but i swear he made an eye contact with me, i think I'm loosing my mind, he can't possibly have seen me, that I'm sure of it! Or am I?"

Those were the questions in Harry's head, he was lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice Hermione and Ron literally eating each other face in Ronald's bed.


Harry pov:

I was trying to eat my food to distract me from my wild thought, i decided to see if Malfoy was there, i kind of just wanted to see him again...
As soon as I looked up i locked gaze with him, he was looking at me, i couldn't help but get lost in his grey eyes, I can't !, I can feel the heat rising in my cheeks, I hope he didn't notice...

I turned my gaze to the plate in front of me

"Harry mate why are you blushing " Ron said

"Yes harry are you feeling okay? Do you need to go to the hospital wing? " Hermione said, i can sense she that she is worried.

"Ron, Mione, I'm not sick don't worry about it, It's just a little hot in here " I said hopefully they will believe me and stop asking but no they had to push me further

"Nonsense, it's not hot, what's going on Harry ? " Hermione said

I just glared at her put my fork and left without saying a word, while I was walking in the corridor i heard someone calling me, i turned around and it was Malfoy

"Hey Malfoy " oh shit that sounded so awkward
"Hey Harry, please call me Draco, We are friends now aren't we? "
"Of course we are" I said while smiling a bit, at that moment I couldn't stop but shift my gaze from his eyes to his lips, those pink lips, Damn .. shit I hope he didn't notice that.
"Erm ... see you later Draco i got to go " and just like that I walked as fast as I possibly can to the Gryffindor common room...


Was Harry blushing, why would he ?
I saw him leaving the great hall so I followed him
I called his name so he turned around. i can still see a tinted Blush in his cheeks
"Hey Malfoy " wow that was weird , i decided to play cool and I answered

"Hey Harry, please call me Draco, We are friends now aren't we? " I asked hoping he won't change his mind and reject me ...

"Of course we are" Oh god he is smiling, Fuck I love that smile.

Wait is he looking at my lips, i literally saw Harry Potter looking at my lips, I didn't even concentrate on what was he saying as I see him walk away, The way he is swinging his hips, Fuck such a tease to my heart but let's get back to business... Why the fuck was Harry James Potter staring at my lips ?


To be continued

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