The Potion class

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Hello there, before i start this chapter I just wanted to ask if there is any suggestions and idea please comment it , it will be a great help for my uncreative mind.

 Thank you 🖤🖤🖤
Let's start then...

 Thank you 🖤🖤🖤 Let's start then

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Third person pov :

It was time for potion class with Professor Horace Slughorn, the so called "the master of potions", honestly nobody Compares to Severus Snape...

The Potion the professor was teaching is SKELEGRO which is basically a potion to restore bones and mend broken bones

While the Professor was explaining how to make the potion he also announced that the work is in group, more like a group of two

Harry listened as the professor was announcing each group partners

Third pov:

"First I will have Mr Longbottom and Mr Seamus Finnigan "

Neville was nervous knowing that Seamus is the master of explosions so there is no way to actually make it work, they'll probably end up blowing up the whole damn thing

" Next we have Mr Ronald Weasley and Ms Hermione Granger "

Ron was so happy to have his girlfriend with him because now he knows that they can actually make it

After listing few people together the Professor spoke again

"Now can I have Mr Harry Potter and let's see ... Mr Draco Malfoy "

Harry pov:

While I was waiting for my name to be announced I noticed that they are only few people left. me, Malfoy, Pansy, Blaise and Dean

I hoped I will be with Dean but deep down i felt like i wanted to be with Malfoy,
don't get me wrong I just want to talk  him..

I didn't see him for the whole summer and I know he disappeared once he found out I'm alive..

And then it happened I thought I was just imagining hearing it, until I saw Malfoy approaching my table 'shit' I thought,

"Potter" Draco spat
"Malfoy" Harry replied while rolling his eyes
"I see nothing changed.. and here I thought your going to be different "
Harry said the last part for only himself to hear
"What was that Potter? " Malfoy said while titling his head to look at Harry's face
"Nothing." Harry said with a cold tone "let's get to work " he continued.
While Malfoy was mixing the potion Harry didn't help but look at the boy 'he is so handsome ' he thought but soon he did, he tried to get rid of such thoughts  'I'm going insane' was all he was thinking

Malfoy pov:

I felt so happy that I was with potter in the group but I will never admit it.

 I always had a crush on Potter but I won't let anyone know, he did hurt my pride the day he decided to not accept my friendship and I don't think that it'll be any different now ..

He hates me, and I should keep pretending I do too.. 

I mean what am I except for the boy who got no choice .


To be continuedHope who ever reads this like it...

And also if there is any mistakes I'm sorry 😄😄

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To lighten your day, have a look at some Drarry memes I like:

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